Where we've been is who we are

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□□ "There is no happiness without the pain, the word itself is there." □□

Kirsten was in a 2 -week contract as a winner for that contest. It was also the estimated time of completion for the music video shoot. 2 weeks and Kirsten will get back to her home country.

Her short fairy tale story will soon end. It will leave her back to being the regular girl with like, nothing to be proud about; except being able to hang out or live with All Time Low which may never ever happen to other people. The sad but happy thought that she slept with Jack can be considered as a pride too.

The bus was running fast as Kirsten looked out the window. If she could just make it go slower, she would. But the bus wouldn't slow down for her, neither do time. Chicago was their next stop for that road trip.

She was looking forward to all the experience that she would get. She was with the best people to hang out with, according to her personal survey again. She was pretty sure to get more fun moments with them.

Never in the span of 23 years did she ever thought of being on the road for 2 weeks straight, with stop overs of course. The longest time she travelled might be just one whole day.

"Soldier Field? Alex, you should insisted the shoot to be on Baltimore. That is our home." Jack spoke out so loud, it made Kirsten snap out of her music video-like moment while staring outside.

"Since when did I get to choose the location of the shoot? It only happened on Time-Bomb.., and I didn't even dropped a name of a place." Alex answered him while hitting some strings.

"I wanna play there again." Jack just pouted on the side. He noticed Kirsten looking at Alex while he answered Jack.

"I thought you liked me?!" Jack whined out on a very childish voice.

Kirsten flinched a little. Jack was right that she really likes him. But what on he is acting, he was like a child jealous of his mommy playing with other kids. It is not a good idea, on her second thought. But Jack being jealous was just priceless.

She laughed a little while Jack squeezed himself in between her and Zack.

"I don't like Alex. How many times do I have to say that? I might get kicked out already if I say that again."

Alex laughed on the side. He raised his hand to high five Kirsten. She was glad that Alex seemed to enjoy her company. Zack does not speak much but when he do, he knew the right words to say. Rian reacts properly like Zack too. Kirsten can't help but see Rian as a brother-like figure and very mature.

"Don't worry about me Kirsten." Alex sang in a random melody. He then strummed his guitar and said, "I'm just letting that fat crush of yours to get some moment of glory."

Kirsten laughed out loud, as well as the others. Jack just looked at her with his eyebrows meeting in between. He suddely placed the palm of his hands on Kirsten's cheeks. She can't get the strength to remove his hands so she was like a fish, moving its rounded puffed lips, trying to say something.

He struggled to speak out some words. She was still laughing despite her awful situation. The other three were just laughing at her and Jack's angry role play face. Jack finally retreated and flashed a smile at her. Kirsten held on to her cheeks, then she laughed a little.


Kirsten bit her lips. It wasn't the first time they locked lips. The one Jack did a while ago was just a smack. It won't compare to the makeout session they had on her first night. But they were both sober this time. No influence of anything so it felt a lot different.

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