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*Wesley's POV*

"Hey Wes, can you toss me a water?" Daniel calls to me.

I glance over at him as he sits in his chair with his feet up on the counter.

"Get it yourself, you lazy ass."

"I would, but I'm really comfortable here."

I sigh, walk over to the cooler, open it, and grab a water bottle. I toss it over to him before closing it again.

I walk back to the front of the little lifeguard tower and look out the window. I see my friend Tanner, the other lifeguard, lounging in his high chair outside, flirting with girls, as he always does.

I sigh, "I don't understand why we need three life guards on duty. Especially on clear days like this."

Daniel shrugs as he takes a sip of his water, "Who cares. We have nothing better to do. Plus, it's less lonely, and we basically get paid to chill on the beach all day."

"Yeah, that's true. Plus, we made a pretty cool setup anyways. I guess this could be considered a hang out place."

The three of us are the only lifeguards on this beach, so we made the most of the tower. We set up three beach chairs on the "balcony" outside that faces the ocean. Then, we have one high chair actually in the sand, under the balcony of the tower, along with a hammock and a table surrounded by more beach chairs. Then, on the inside, we have all of our gear in a small closet, along with some stuff on the walls. But, on the counter space, we have the required phone, but we added some stuff as well. We put a mini fridge in the corner, alone with a cooler along the wall. We also brought up a spiny chair, and a computer that's hooked up to an Xbox for when we're off the job, or it's a slow day. Overall, it's a pretty cool place, but a super uneventful job.

"I'm gonna go join Tanner outside. It's getting boring in here." I tell Daniel.

He nods and tosses me my sunglasses, "Whatever. It won't be anymore fun out there."

I put the sunglasses over my eyes and chuckle, "Anything's better than sitting alone in a tight space with your boring self."

He smiles, but picks up an empty water bottle and chucks it at me, barely missing my head.

"You have shitty aim bro." I laugh.

He rolls his eyes, "Get outta here already."

I pick up the bottle and throw it back at him, hitting the side of his head before walking out and onto the beach.

I grab one of the chairs and take out right to the edge of the shade. Right as I sit down, Tanner spots me, and I see him say something to the girl he girl he was chatting with before hopping off the high chair and whispering something else into her ear with a smirk. She smiles, blushes, nods, then walks away. He stares at her ass for a while, and after she's a decent distance away, he turns to me and gives me a nod.

I swear, he's the fucking flirtiest guy I've ever met.

He approaches me and gives me a crisp high five before pulling a chair over right next to me.

"Sup dude!"

I shake my head and laugh, "Nothing much. But, I see you've been busy."

He shrugs, "Her name's Vanessa. Pretty hot, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's a shame that our job is to make sure people don't die, and not to hit on random girls."

He chuckles, "Wes, the only person I've ever saved was a kid who got stuck on a rock like, literally ten feet away from shore. And it wasn't even high tide or anything. I swear, the only thing I can do during this job is talk to hot girls. I mean, this place is crawling with hotties while all that crawls in the water are a bunch of crabs."

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