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*Sage's POV*

I blink my eyes, trying to adjust to the morning sun shining through the door. I look over at the clock to see that it's six fifty.

Damn... I never wake up this early...

I sigh, knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep, so I tip toe downstairs, being careful not to wake the others.

I head into the kitchen and make myself a cup of chai tea with the Keurig and grab a beach blanket. I open the back door and poke my head out to see that it's nice and quiet. I walk out, shut the door behind me, and make my way to the beach.

I smile, seeing that nobody's on it. The only sound is the waves peacefully crashing on the shore.

I lie my blanket down and just sit on the sand,  tea in my hand, listening to the sounds of the ocean.

After only like, five minutes of sitting, I hear two cars pulling into a parking lot. I roll my eyes and sit here stubbornly.

Suddenly, I hear voices and I recognize them.

"Yo, why do we have to get here so early? I mean, who comes to the beach at seven?"

"I'm sorry, did our job wake you up early after hooking up with a random girl?"

"Hey! For your information, I had been talking to Cassidy for a whole two days!"

"Wow! So impressive Tanner!"

"Shut up. You both are annoying shits."

I realize they're the lifeguards, which means that guy is here. I quickly scramble to my feet right as they walk onto the sand.

I start running up to the gate, and right as I'm about to grab the handle, I hear one of them holler,

"Hey blondie!"

My eyes dart their way for a split second. All three guys are staring at me, and right as I open the gate and run in, the cute guy yells,


But I don't. I shut it behind me and head inside.

Dammit Sage! Why can't you just talk to people? You've done it plenty of times in the past!

I sigh and throw myself on the couch.


*Wes' POV*

"Yo, why do we have to get here so early? I mean, who comes to the beach at seven?" Tanner complains.

I roll my eyes, "I'm sorry, did our job wake you up early after hooking up with a random girl?"

"Hey!" He pretends to be offended, "For your information, I had been talking to Cassidy for a whole two days!"

"Wow! So impressive Tanner!" I respond sarcastically.

"Shut up," Daniel hits us, "You both are annoying shits."

We walk onto the beach, and as we're heading up to our lifeguard tower, I hear Tanner shout,

"Hey blondie!"

My eyes dart over to the direction he's looking in.

Of course, I see her at the gate, already gripping the handle. She looks at us for a second, and as she quickly opens the gate, I yell after her, throwing my hand out,

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