thirty one

129 2 0

*Wesley's POV*

"Wes, want a beer?" Trent calls.

"Sure!" I shout back to him.

Within seconds, he's back by my side, handing me a cold one.

"Thanks bro." I nod as I open it.

"Yeah dude." He then pauses for a few seconds before continuing in a mischievous manner, "And  I have one more surprise for you."

"What...?" I ask, genuinely nervous.

"The next step of the plan!" He replies cheerily.

He then proceeds to snap his fingers on his free hand, and then suddenly, a smoking hot girl walks into the room and my jaw drops.

Trent walks over to her, puts his arm around her shoulder, and they share a smirk.

"This is Kara. When Sage had that whole... Weird break down thing last year, Kara was decidedly the sexiest woman at this school."

I nod slowly, "Y-yeah... I can see why... Um, why is she here?"

"She is here to show you a fun time today." He looks down at her, "Right?"

She gives him a scandalous smile before walking over to me.

She grabs the cloth of my shirt and looks me up and down, "I heard you're trying to either make Sage jealous or win her back. Either way, it sounds like a fun game. I'm here for whatever you want tonight."

She then pulls me close to her and plants a soft kiss on my cheeks.

I close my eyes, trying to fight the feeling of how wrong this is.

"So." Trent holds his hands out questioningly, "Am I genius, or am I genius?"

I just nod, still speechless.

"Great!" He exclaims, "Let's start the party!"

*Sage's POV*

I walk up to Trent's frat house, Peter by my side, Jasmine, Hayley, Gabby, and Daniel on my other.

The music is blasting extremely loud, and right when I walk in the door, I'm greeted by a bunch of Trent's gross frat boys.

They all start to surround me, trying to look threatening, but the guys from Peter's frat quickly make a small barrier around me.

"Back off fellas." Julian growls.

They all just laugh, but go back to their previous conversation.

Then, of course, Trent loudly enters and obnoxiously greets us.

"Ah, the lady of the hour!" He gives me a triumphant smile.

I narrow my eyes, "Trent."

"Aw, why the sad faces? C'mon Sage. Peter. Let me show you our kitchen. That's where the drinks are."

Peter and I share a glance of reluctancy, but follow him anyways.

Peter squeezes my hand as we push through this gross house.

We soon reach the kitchen, and I'm slightly taken aback by what I see.

When we walk in, I see Wesley. But he's not alone. And he's not just standing there either.

He's in between the spread out legs of a girl who's sitting on the counter, and they're making out in an extremely aggressive manner.

I feel my nose scrunching up in disgust.

Then, they separate and I see who the girl is.

It's Kara. Of course. That girl would be a slut for attention. She's wearing booty shorts, a bralette only, and these knee high black boots.

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