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*Sage's POV*

"Hayley, I'm sorry but could you please drive faster?!" I exclaim.

She shoots me a quick glare before looking back at the road.

"Hey! Maybe you should just chill out and be thankful that one of your friends has a car! Otherwise, you'd be stuck back home, just hoping nobody fucking dies!"

I sigh and slump back into the seat.

"Shit... I'm sorry. I'm just scared that Peter's going to do something stupid, or that Trent's guys outnumber him and he'll get hurt."

Jasmine leans forwards and places her hand comfortingly on my shoulder.

"S, don't worry. I'm sure everything will be alright."

"Yeah, Peter's a good guy." Chris adds, "We all know it."

I just stare ahead of me,  "Let's just hope everyone's alright."


We finally pull into the parking lot, and before Hayley even parks the car, I open the door and hop out.

"S, what the hell?"  Hayley calls after me, "The car's still fucking moving!"

I glance back apologetically before sprinting inside.

Once I'm inside, I glance around, and people are staring at me in confusion and surprise.

I spot the front desk and rush over there.

"Hi, is there a Wesley Thompson currently in one of the rooms?"

"Yes, but-"

Before the woman can get more than two words out, I basically shout, "Thank you!" And run back towards the rooms.

I look through all the rooms to find them either empty, or without the people I'm looking for. So, finally, I stumble across the last room, and low and behold...

However, the sight I see, is not a good one.

Right in front of my eyes, Trent, and two of his friends are holding Peter tightly, right in front of Wes.

Trent's gesturing with his head for Wes to go ahead and hit Peter, and I watch as he starts to oblige.

"Wesley!" I yell in fear as I watch his fist head straight for my boyfriend's face.

He literally freezes, and his head, along with everyone else's, jerks in my direction.

I hear three pairs of feet running up right behind me, followed by their gasps.

Without me even saying anything, Chris runs over to the Trent and his two friends, who are literally holding Peter back as if he was a criminal.

Chris basically tackles Trent's two asshole buddies, only leaving him holding Peter's neck.

Hayley and Jasmine then rush over to Wesley and drag him over to the chair, forcing him to sit back down.

"Trent, take your hand off my boyfriend or I swear to fucking God, I will beat your fucking ass myself." I threaten, completely and 100% serious.

Trent's eyes shift between me and Peter for about five seconds. He then starts chuckling, but pushes Peter to the floor, releasing him from his grasp.

"You're so overdramatic Sage. Chill."

I glare at him, but immediately run over to Peter. I kneel down next to him as he groans in pain, trying to push himself up.

I put one of my hands on his shoulder, the other on his cheek.

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