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*Dustin's POV*

I continue to stare at Jasmine. She and I have been making small talk all night, but it never seems to last. It always fades, which is honestly really upsetting, but she seems to enjoy my company.

"That was a good choice for a slow song." I watch her longingly as she turns knobs, and pushes levers up and down in the DJ control board.

She gives me a quick glance and smile, "Thanks! Chasing Cars is one of my all time favorites!"

"Yeah, mine too." I inch closer to her, "It's too bad we couldn't share that dance since you're up here doin your thing and such."

She puts one side of her headphones over an ear and nods, "Yeah."

"So you like volleyball?" I ask.

She puts her headphones around her neck again, "Sorry, come again?"

"Oh! Volleyball! You like it?"

She laughs, "Yeah, yeah. I was on varsity volleyball in high school. I actually got a scholarship for it."

"Damn! That's cool!" I exclaim.

She nods, "Mmhhmmm. So how about you? You were getting your thing on yesterday. You play?"

I shake my head, "Nah. It's just one of those fun recreational activities that I like doing."

"Ah, alright. I feel."

I don't reply for a second, but then an idea pops into my head.

"Hey, wanna go somewhere quite? I like talking to you, but it's kind of hard to do with this loud music."

She tilts her head in confusion, but says, "Yeah, alright."

She then whistles down to a group of girls dancing next to us.

"Hey Rachel!" She shouts, "Do you know how to work these controls?"

She nods.

"Can you take over for a little?"

"For sure!" She yells back with a smile.

"Thanks girl!" Jasmine throws her a nod before gracefully pulling the headphones off from around her neck.

She messes with her hair for a second, which looks so fucking sexy.

"Alright. Let's go. There's a huge living room we can chill in."

I feel excitement stir in my stomach as she leads me out of the room.

We walk through the huge house and she leads me over to this big, open living room. She turns on the lights since there's no more daylight, and makes her way over to the couch.

I sit down next to her, and turn myself to face her beautiful figure.

"So?" She looks at me curiously, "What did you want to talk about?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I mean, whatever you want."

She giggles, "Alright. I'll start, since you're being a lil pussy."

I raise my eyebrow, "Hey!"

She laughs and lightly hits my arm, "Alright. So all of your best friends are lifeguards. Why aren't you one too?"

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