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"Hayley! Can you come up here please?" I call from my room.

It's now a lot later in the day, it's 6:00 pm, and Wes told me that he's picking me up at 6:30 pm for a special surprise. I've finished my makeup and hair, but now I just need help picking out an outfit.

Suddenly, Hayley's head pops her head into my room.

"Yes S?"

"How does this look?" I ask.

I'm in a light blue dress that flow's down to right above my knees, and the arms are loose and flow outwards.

She places her hand on her chin and narrows her eyes, "Are you sure you don't want something tighter? Maybe a little bit more revealing?"

"Um... like what?"

"Hold up!"

And with that, she runs out.

Within thirty seconds, she's back with a dress that barely looks like a piece of clothing.

I widen my eyes, "You want me to wear that?"

She nods and hands me a strapless, maroon dress that's made out of silk. The bottom is lined with black lace.


"Just put it on!"

I sigh, and take the dress off of me, and slip Hayley's on.

I then turn to her and a big smile appears on her face.

I then spin around to look in the mirror, and my jaw drops.

The dress is nearly skin tight, half of my boobs are popping out, and it cuts off literally right under my butt.

"Hayley! I look like a fucking prostitute!"

"You look hot!"

"No! I'm not gonna wear this on a first date! I don't even know if I'd wear it before sex!"

Hayley opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, Gabby comes running in.

"Hey! What's with all the shout-"

Before she can finish, she stops in her tracks and a gasp escapes her mouth.

"Sage put on some clothes!"

I raise my brow and look at Hayley, "See?"

Hayley puffs and crosses her arms.

"Let me fix this!" Gabby exclaims.

She runs out of the room for a second, and then races back in.

She hands me a pair of jeans and a turtle neck.

"Um... Gab, I don't think I want to wear a turtle neck on a date. Especially when it's Spring."

She shakes her head, "You'll look cute! Just put it on!"

I roll my eyes, but I take off Hayley's "dress" and put on the outfit Gabby gave me.

Once it's all on, I look at my friends. Hayley's just staring at me with a frown on her face, but Gabby's nearly glowing.

She jumps over to me and turns me around to the mirror, "You look so cute!"

I look myself up and down before saying, "Gab, I love you, but not even you would wear this."

"What? I own this!"

I nod, "And I've never seen you wear it."

She, "Okay but-"

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