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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

The sound of Hayley's voice blasts through my ears, waking me up from my once, peaceful slumber.

I groan sleepily, and throw one of my pillows at her.

"Hey!" She protests and tosses it back at me, "Stop being such a Sage, and wake up! We're leaving in thirty!"

"H, it's only nine!"

"Yes! And I want to get there as early as possible so we can explore! So get your ass out of bed and get ready!"

I just roll over and close my eyes again.

I hear her sigh before hopping onto my bed, climbing under the sheets with me. She then puts her arm around my waist and pushes her body up against mine.

"Alright. If you won't get up, I'll just sleep here with you."

Immediately, I push her away and jump out of my bed, "Fine, fine! I'm up!"

She laughs and gets up, "Good. Be ready in thirty."

She throws me a wink before walking out of the room.

I groggily walk over to the closet, and grab my strapless black and white romper, and sandals. I quickly change, then walk out of the bedroom. I head down the hall and turn into the bathroom. I shut the door, and brush my teeth. After that, I do my makeup. As I'm putting my lipstick on, a knock on the door causes me to jump.

"What?!" I shout in annoyance.

The door opens to a reveal a surprised Gabby, "Fuck, I was just gonna ask if I could borrow your red lipstick."

I roll my eyes, take grab the lipstick from my makeup bag, and forcefully place it in her hand.

I continue to finish my own lips, and see her cross her arms in the mirror.

"Why the attitude S?"

I sigh, and turn to her, "I'm sorry Gab. I'm just super tired. And I'm not too siked to go on this trip."

She smiles slightly and puts her hand on my arm, "S, you don't have to worry. What happened before was a mistake that you won't make again. We'll make sure of it. Just let loose this week. I swear you'll have a great time."

I return her kind smile and look down, "Alright. Thanks Gabby."

She pulls me into a quick hug, "Okay. You look beautiful. C'mon. We've already got all of our stuff in Hayley's van."

I nod, "I'll be out within five minutes."

"Chill. H is with the car, and Jas is saying goodbye to her boyfriend."

I chuckle slightly, "Alright."

She exits, and I put everything back into my makeup bag, and go back into my room. I stuff it into my suitcase, and grab my backpack. I stick my phone in my back pocket, and head out to the front. Gab's waiting for me next to the front door. She opens it for me and I thank her before walking out to the van that's pulled up in front of the house with Hayley and Jasmine already dancing to Jon Bellion's, our favorite artist.

I walk up to the open trunk, and throw my things on top of the other suitcases. I then close it and see Gabby locking the door and then running down to the car. I climb into the car, leaving the door open for her to hop in. I buckle up just as Gabby gets in and slides it closed.

"Ready?" Hayley turns down

"Yee!" Gabby answers in excitement.

She puts the car into drive, "Then off we go!"

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