twenty seven

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He walks in and his eyes immediately go to me.

"Hi Sage..." He says slowly as he closes the door.

I stand up, walk right up to him, and shout in his face, "What the hell are you doing Wes?!"

"What am I doing?!" He sounds genuinely shocked at my outburst, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Me?" I point towards myself, "I'm trying to live my life!"

"You have a boyfriend?!"

I cross my arms, "Yes Wes. I have a boyfriend. In case you've forgotten, we haven't talked in eight months, let alone seen each other in nine."

"So? You have a boyfriend!"

"Yeah!" I yell, "What did you think? I'd just fucking wait for you?! No! That was never even part of what we talked about! But either way, that deal broke before I even left! I have every right to have a boyfriend!"

"Oh please!" He scoffs, "How much could you even like this guy? He's probably just another one of your guys that comes and goes! I mean, you apparently considered me as one of your relationships, and we only knew each other for four days!"

"Oh, so we're back to me being a slut?" I get up in his face, "Is that the only argument you have?!"

"There's no way he could actually be your boyfriend Sage!" He shouts.

"Why not, huh? Please tell me why he couldn't be my boyfriend!"

"This guy is hella weird Sage! He's like, a goth punk ass! Why is no part of his skin just a normal, natural skin color?! It's all ink! You can't seriously be with this guy! He has to be like, an experimental relationship just to have some fun, right? He looks like he belongs in a biker gang! This has to be a joke! This-"

"I've been with him for six months!" I blurt out.

He immediately shuts up and stares at me.


I sigh, "As of today, we've been together for six months. I love him Wes. I love him."

I look down at my necklace and take it delicately in my fingers with a smile, "He just gave this to me tonight as a gift. In fact, he gave it to me right before you decided to barge in."

"Sage. You were only single for three months after we ended." He announces unnecessarily.

"Yes, and?" I give him a confused gaze, "That's a reasonable amount of time to move on."

"How did you even meet him? There's no way he could be in a frat."

"Actually," I start, "He is in a frat. This frat, actually! The house we're at!"

"This house?" He asks skeptically, "No way. All these guys are stereotypical frat boys with their brightly colored shorts and Vineyard Vines apparel."

I nod, "Yes. They apparently wanted something different. Wes, Peter's a fucking badass. He's awesome. And just cause you're trying your hardest to insult the man I love, I'm just gonna say this. He is everything you're not!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He asks defensively.

"It means, that he's not afraid of anything! Which includes me. He's not afraid of who I was in the past, or who I am now. He's the sweetest guy I know, and you're like a pansy."

"I almost drowned! How does that not make me a badass!"

"Because you were only doing it to impress me. It's not badass if the only reason you do it is for attention."

He rolls his eyes, "What I don't understand, is how did you like both of us? We couldn't be more different! Types can't be that interchangeable!"

I shake my head, "Wes, you don't get it! Peter is my type! At this point in time, there is no other type. Maybe there never was!"

"Are you saying that you never liked me?!" He shouts in offense.

I throw my hands up in the air, "Are you saying that?! Because apparently, I only ever fool around with guys!"

"I just don't understand Sage! I mean, we had something! And you threw it all away for Tattoos! I mean, out of all people!"

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I cross my arms.

"You could do so much better!"

"Oh, like you?" I retort, "Cause that worked out so well!"

"It would've!" He argues.

"No! Cause you would've accused me of being a slut everyday! That doesn't work!"

"You could've at least given me a warning." He growls.

"Seriously?!" I exclaim in shock, "You really just wanted me to casually hit you up like, Hey Wes! Just wanted to let you know! I have a boyfriend now! He's covered in tattoos and is really hot! Hope you don't mind! No Wes! That's not how life works! How I see it, is that you should have warned me that you were coming here, tonight! Cause all that has happened with you coming here is your heartbreak and my disturbance! So please! Go home!"

"I can't go home!" He yells in my face.

"Why not?!" I come back with the same force.

"I have to stay until Daniel leaves!"

"Oh yeah?" I cross my arms again and let out a scoff, "And where do you plan on staying, huh? Cause Daniel's staying with Gab in our sorority house! So you don't exactly have a place!"

I see realization and worry fill his gaze, so he just stands up straight and says, "I'll stay there too."

I laugh, "No you won't. Definitely not. No. Sorry. You need to go Wes. Cause none of us want you around either! Gab and Daniel need their alone time, and so do Peter and I. Leave."

"I'll stay in the frat!" He tries again.

I put my face in my hands, "Wes, you don't have any fucking friends here! Our friends in this frat only let hot girls or close friends stay here anyways. You're fucked."

He shakes his head, "I'll go make friends! Watch me!"

Before I can stop him, he storms out of the room.

I let out a groan and throw myself onto one of the beds.

Right as he exits, Peter enters.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asks.

"Barely." I sigh.

He walks over to the bed and sits down next to me, "I could take care of him if you'd like."

I sit up and chuckle slightly, "No, no. Don't bother with that. Just a warning though... He doesn't have a place to stay, so he's hoping to make some friends among your frat so he can stay here."

Peter puts his arm around me and laughs, "Like anyone would actually want him."

I shrug, "I wouldn't underestimate him. As much as I hate to say it, he's good at making friends."

"Strange." He comments, "He's not a very likable person."

I just chuckle quietly and put my head in the crook of his neck.

He holds me as he says, "I'm sorry I can't take you out on a nice sixth month anniversary date."

I look up at him and shift out of his hold, "Are you kidding me? I totally understand. We're both broke college kids. Plus, tonight was pretty great. You know... Minus the whole Wes situation."

He nods and rests his chin on my head, "I love you."

"I love you too."



a/n: soo... do you side with wes or sage? it's an interesting situation here, huh?

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