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*Peter's POV*

I'm sitting at my desk in my room, just scrolling through my phone.

Luckily, ever since I went over go see Wesley, I haven't heard anything from Sage about him. I'm assuming that means he's left her alone.

I go onto my Snapchat and start opening and replying to my friends.

Then, I move on and look at the different stories. They're all pretty basic. It's either videos from Trent's party, girls taking pictures of them with their friends, or boys doing dumb shit.

As I'm about to set my phone down and go grab Sage to go to dinner, a snap story catches my eye.

It's Trent's story and looks like it's Wesley sitting in a tattoo parlor.

I open it curiously, and immediately, fury starts racing through my veins.

Without another second slipping by, I storm out of my room, out of the frat house, and hop in an Uber to go to the parlor.


*Sage's POV*

I'm currently sitting at one of the dining tables with Jas, H, and Chris, and I'm confronting Hayley about her trip to visit Wesley.

"Hayley, what the hell did you say to him?" I question demandingly.

She throws her hands up in defense and says, "I just told him to back off and stop ruining our winter break! You deserve to be happy Sage! He's ruining that!"

Chris, Jasmine's boyfriend chimes in.

"This Wesley guy's a tool. I really think you all should just let him go until he leaves tomorrow. What else can you really do?"

Jasmine looks up and him from in his arms, "He shouldn't be able to get away with everything he's done! He's a complete asshole!"

"I'm not disagreeing." He runs his hand though her hair, "I just don't think that he's worth your time. That's all."

I sigh, "As much as I hate to admit it, I think Chris is right."

"But-" Haley starts, but I interrupt her.

"And as much as I love you all for caring so much, he's just not worth it. We should all just focus on having a fun few days before we go home to our families."

"Can't I just like, beat him up or something?" Hayley pouts.

I chuckle, sitting down next to her and throwing my arm around her, "As much as I'd love to watch that... No. He's leaving tomorrow. Let him be."

I then pull out my phone and see the time's 6:45.

"Hey, have any of you heard from Peter? He was supposed to pick me up twenty minutes ago for our date tonight."

Everyone shakes their head.

I tap my finger on the back of my phone impatiently, "He hasn't answered my texts."

"Call him?" Jasmine suggests, "Maybe he's just running a bit late."

I take my phone, obliging to her suggestion.

"Yeah, but he usually lets me know if he's gonna be a bit late." I comment as I look up his contact info.

I hold the phone up to my ear, but there's no answer. It soon goes to voicemail, and I sigh.

"You don't think he stood me up, do you?"

"S, are you kidding?" Hayley raises her brows, "You guys have been dating for six whole months now! He'd never leave you hanging like that. At least not without good reason."

I rest my head on my fist thoughtfully, "Yeah, but twenty minutes late? What could he be up to?"

As Hayley opens her mouth to start talking again, a girl in my sorority named Bridget, comes running in shouting,

"OMG! Have any of you seen Trent's snap story?!"

Jasmine looks up at her in disgust, "Um, no... Why would we have? I think I debatably blocked him a while ago."

She just rolls her eyes and shoves her phone in Jasmine's face.

"Just look!"

I watch as Jasmine's eyes widen immensely, and worry fills her gaze.

"Uh... S... You should come watch this... Like, right now."

Even Chris looks shaken.

"Yeah... Come look at this Sage."

I raise my left brow, stand up, go around to Jasmine's side of the table and look over her shoulder.

Dread fills my heart as I watch what's going on.

It's a video Wes sitting in a chair at a tattoo parlor with Trent's entire frat surrounding him, cheering him on. Trent then finishes the video by flashing a zoomed in picture of one of the tattoos on Peter's shoulder. It's the green woman with the red hair.

"Fuck..." I trail off, completely and utterly shocked.

"Well that's not good." Hayley adds after watching it herself.

"Shit we need to go right now!" I announce urgently, "The reason Peter's not here is probably because he saw this snap and immediately left to go confront him!"

It's pretty well known around here that Peter is an amazing artist. Like, so good that he almost gave up majoring in pre-med and became an art major. His art has even been showcased in shows and shit.

The one thing about his tattoos, is that every single one on his body was drawn by him. Sometimes he even tattooed them on himself. But for the ones that had to be done by a tattoo artist, he would sketch out on paper and hand to them. He takes pride in them, and the fact that Wesley is about to get a tattoo that is completely and one hundred percent Peter's original is a terrible idea. He might just kill him.

Hayley quickly gets to her feet, "I'll start the car!"

"I'm come with you guys." Chris stands up, "Someone might need to hold Peter back, or maybe on of Trent's goons."

I nod, "C'mon! We have to leave now!"

Jasmine, Chris and I run out after Hayley and find her already sitting in the front seat of her van.

"Hop in!" She shouts through the rolled down window.

I get in the front seat and the other two climb into the back.

Before my door is even closed, Hayley speeds off.


a/n: ahhh! only a couple more chapters until the ending! wow guys, i think i started writing this right before sophomore year, and i'm literally about to graduate from high school in A FUCKING WEEK! literally, in 7 days from tomorrow, i won't be a high schooler anymore! WHAT THE FUCK?!

but yeah, i hope you guys are still enjoying! thank you for staying so long ❤️ so much love to all of you!


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