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I storm into the house and slam the door behind me to see my three friends jump up from the couch in surprise.

Hayley pauses the movie they were watching and looks at me in concern.

"S, what's wrong?"

I shake my head in anger, "Nothing!"

"Sage... Calm down..."

"I'm calm!" I shout, "You calm down!"

Jasmine cautiously walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. She leads me over to the couch and sits me down.

"Love, what's wrong?"

I sigh, "Wesley's a fucking asshole! That's what's wrong!"

I catch all three of them making eye contact before Gabby asks,

"What happened?"

"Well, we were having a fine night! Perfect almost! It was all so wonderful! He set up this romantic picnic up on the roof of a lifeguard tower! It had candles and everything! And then, when nighttime fell, he lit up the lifeguard tower with lights and started playing slow music and we danced! It was lovely! And then, out of nowhere, he called me a fucking slut!"

Their eyes widen.

"What?!" Jasmine exclaims.

"That's horrible!" Gabby says.

"What the fuck would make him say something like that?" Hayley ask in shock.

I turn to Hayley, remembering what Wesley had said.

"It was cause of something you said!"

Her eyes widen even more, "What?!"

I nod, "Yeah! He said on the boat that you told him I used to enjoy fooling around with other guys!"

"Okay, okay. Yes, I told him that because he asked! But I made sure to add that you're not a slut or anything!"

I sigh, and put my face in my hands, "I don't get why he's so angry about it!"

I hear Jasmine gasp, causing me to look up.


She frowns, "I think I might know why he got angry..."


She puts her hand on my leg, "He made us promise not to tell you... But was acting really weird after you went over and made out with that guy for your dare, so we asked him what was wrong..."

"Oh yeah..." Gabby puts her hand over her mouth, "He told us about how he felt this super special connection with you that he hadn't felt with anyone since his last girlfriend, and that he wouldn't have slept with you if he didn't really, really like you..."

"Yeah, honey, he's really into you." Jasmine adds softly, "And I know you were just looking for a fling with him, but I don't think he wants that."

It all suddenly hits me. I know now why he got so angry...

"Fuck..." I trail off.

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