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*Daniel's POV*

Gabby and I are standing there in shock as Kara continues to dance on Wes, and Sage storms out.

I see Kara glance over at her in triumph, and Wes notices her leave, but doesn't make any move to stop her.

"I should go with them." Gabby suggests, still shaken by what's going on, "I need to make sure she's okay..."

Suddenly Jasmine and Hayley walk up behind us.

"Yeah, we'll come with you." Jasmine says, staring ahead.

"God, I know I'm trashy, but that's just low." Hayley scrunches her nose in disgust at the sight of Wes and Kara.

Gabby sighs, then turns to me, "Are you coming?"

I shake my head, "I need to talk to Wes. Maybe I can talk some sense into him."

She nods slowly before kissing my cheek, "Alright. Meet us back at the sorority house when you're done, okay?"

I nod and kiss her forehead, "I'll see you later."

And with that, the three girls follow the path that Sage took just a few minutes ago.

I then look at Wes, who's still in the chair with Kara on his lap.

I groan and walk over to them.

I gently grab Kara's shoulder and pull her away from his body, "Okay, I think you're done here."

She stops what she's doing and looks at me, "And who are you?"

I gesture towards Wes, "I'm this guy's best friend. I need to talk to him."

She smirks and runs her finger down my chest, "You know, you're kinda hot... The three of us could leave and just... talk..."

I grab her hand and pull it away from me, "I'd like to talk to my friend please."

As her mouth opens to most likely snap at me, Trent comes over and pats my back.

"What seems to be the problem here?"

I drop her hand and glare at him, "I need Wes, and your little friend is all up on him."

"Bro, I'll talk to you later!" Wes tries to shoo me away.

Trent crosses his arms, a smile forming on his face, "You're Gabby's little boy toy... Right?"

I glare at him in response.

He chuckles, "You know, the two of us used to go out."

Once again, I just glare.

"Yeah... Yeah, she's hot. Pretty good in bed too. Too bad she's crazy."

"Please!" I scoff, "You're the asshole who cheated on her with a high school student!"

He doesn't even seem to be affected by my retort.

"Whatever you say dude. I'd just be careful with that chick. She's unpredictable."

I cross my arms, "Can I just talk to my friend for a bit?"

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