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*Wes' POV*

"Yo, dude! I love it when we get to stay late!" Tanner announces enthusiastically after taking a bite of pizza.

Daniel nods, picking up another slice from the box, "True that! This job definitely has its perks!"

Dustin kicks his feet up onto the counter while sitting in the spiny chair, "Man, I'm just glad you three are my friends and I get to chill on the beach after hours!"

I laugh, continuing to look at the computer screen while I play Halo, "Agreed. This is a pretty chill job."

As I'm playing, I get shot and killed, and suddenly, Tanner takes the remote from my hands, "Noob! Lemme show you how it's done."

I throw my hands up with an amused smile.

Within ten seconds of having the control, he dies, causing all three of us to laugh while Tanner proceeds to start saying bullshit like "I was distracted" "he popped out of nowhere" "the remote glitched out".

Daniel chuckles, tosses his pizza on a plate, and swoops the remote from Tanner, "You suck."

We all watch as he goes around, actually killing each and every alien. The game ends, and Dustin and I cheer, and bow to him.

"Well, you've proved you're the best at Halo, once again." I slap his back.

He smirks, "What can I say?"

Tanner grins mischievously, and takes Daniel's neck in his arm and gives him a noogie. Daniel pulls himself away, and the two start laughing and "fighting."

"Woah, woah," I put my hands out while laughing, "Go outside! We wouldn't wanna get fired for destroying this place, now would we?"

The two give me a glance before wrestling each other all the way outside. Dustin and I share a look of amusement before following them out.

We find them rolling around on the sand, screaming dumb insults at each other.

"You two are so annoying!" I shout.

They ignore me and continue on with what they're doing.

I watch as Dustin picks up a football, and chucks it at them. It hits Daniel's leg, distracting him from Tanner. I chuckle as his focus is singled in on Dustin.

Dustin's eyes widen, and he starts running in the opposite direction, but before he can get anywhere, Daniel proceeds to tackle him. The two roll on the sand for a second before Dustin ends up overpowering Daniel, pinning him to the ground.

"How many times do I have to beat you for you to get that you'll always lose?" He laughs.

Daniel groans, and pushes him off, "Alright, alright."

Dustin helps him up, and Daniel wipes the sand off of his body.

"Hey Wes! Think fast!"

I spin around to see the football just released from Tanner's hands.

Luckily, my reflexes are on my side, because I catch it right as it's about to hit my stomach.

"Dick move!" I shout at him.

He smirks and shrugs.

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