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*Sage's POV*

"Okay!" Hayley shouts as she bursts into my room, "Time to go to the beach!"

I look at the clock, then look outside, then at her with my eyebrows raised.

"H, it's twelve thirty, and it hasn't stopped raining since like, ten." 

She grins, "Well, it's only sprinkling now! And that means nobody else will be on that beach except those cute ass lifeguards! Plus, we literally are staying on the beach. If it gets to be too much, then we'll just go back inside."

I just stare at her.

"Please? The three of us are going and we'd love it if you'd join us! We have an beach tent!"

I let out a long breath before nodding, "Fine, fine. I'll come. But don't expect me to get in the water."

"Fair enough!" She explains in happiness.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be out in a sec."

She jumps in excitement and hugs me, "Yay! Love you S!"

I chuckle and hug her back, "Yeah, I guess I love you too."

And with that, she skips out of the room, and I quickly change into my pink one piece. I the  put my black windbreaker jacket on, and pop the hood over my head.

I don't bother grabbing my phone, not wanting to risk any water damage, so I simply get a beach towel, and head downstairs. I chuckle at my three friends waiting downstairs. All three of them have their bikinis on, as well as their own windbreakers.

"We look ridiculous, you know that? Who goes to a beach when it's pouring rain?"

"Us girls do!" Hayley grins, "And we have champagne!"

Before I can say anything, Gabby quickly says,

"She's kidding. It's sparkling apple cider."

I smile in relief, "I guess apple cider will do."

We all share a quick laugh before heading outside. It's quite windy, and the rain is light, yet still strong. We make our way out to the beach, and I was right. We're literally the only ones out here.

I watch as Hayley sets up the big beach tent, and Jasmine follows by spreading a bunch of beach blankets on the inside of the tent. How it works is that two sides are completely open, so we can get a full view of the ocean as well as the beach, while being protected from the rain.

All four of us climb inside and cuddle up. Gabby pours the cider into four plastic champagne flutes, and hands them out.

Jasmine holds up her cup, "To four best friends, making the best of a beach vacation, even in the rain."

We all clink out drinks together before giggling and taking a sip.

"You know, this is quite nice." Gabby comments, "A bit cold, but still nice."

"Agreed." All three of us nod, and cuddle up together.


*Wes' POV*

"Yo, we should honestly just ditch until this storm goes away." Tanner suggests, "It's not like anyone's gonna come to the beach."

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