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*Sage's POV*

As I walk back into the house, my friends are all anxiously waiting in the living room.

As I walk in, they all immediately sit up and wait questioningly.

I stay silent for a second before sighing.

"I let him go."

They all look at me in shock as I continue,

"I don't really know what happened... I mean... I kissed him. I kissed him and then like, ran away."

"I thought you went down there to make up with him." Jasmine says, "Not break his heart more."

"That's not fair!" I protest, "You know I didn't intentionally break his heart! I'd never do that!"

"Okay, but you kind of did." Hayley comments quietly.

"What?" I ask, surprised that my friends are taking his side.

"Yeah," She adds, "Look. I'm not saying you went down there, only for the sole purpose of hurting him. We know you went down there because you wanted to make things right. But you knew you weren't ready, so you went down there, unprepared, and ended up making things worse."

I cross my arms defensively, "Guys! I'm sure I didn't break his heart."

"S... He's really into you." Gabby looks directly at me.

"How into me can he be? How many times do I have to stress the fact that we met only a few days ago?" I back myself up.

"Hello!" Gabby throws her hands up in the air, "Have you met this kid? Okay? Wesley likes you sooooo much! How can you not see it? He set up that romantic date for you! He slept with you after not sleeping with anyone for months! Hell! You slept with him and you haven't had sex with anyone for even longer than him! Wesley like you, and you like him! You can't let this one thing ruin that!"

I narrow my eyes, "Three days. I've known him for three days."

And with that, I walk upstairs, planning on never coming back down.


*Gabby's POV*

All three of us watch in astonishment as she exits.

We all slowly turn back and look at each other.

"Okay, I've never seen her like this before..." Hayley says in shock.

Jasmine's eyes are wide as she "I know.. We've seen her shut down, but never over a boy like this..."

I sigh, "It's cause she's never actually had feelings for a guy before. It's always been a strictly shallow attraction between her and a guy. It's never been about a connection before."

"So?" Jasmine asks with her arms crossed.

I stare towards the area where she disappeared, "She felt a connection with him."

Hayley pinches the bridge of her nose, "We still have two days here. She has to face this and get over it so we can continue partying. Plus, I want to spend as much time with Tanner before we leave. He's the best sex I've ever had, and I wanna make the most of it while I'm here."

Jasmine and I both gag.

"How does everything come back to sex with you?" Jasmine asks, "I swear, we could be talking about the most random thing, and you'd find a way to tie in sex."

She chuckles, "It's a talent."

I laugh before continuing, "But this is about Sage and Wesley right now. Not you and your fabulous sex life."

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