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*Sage's POV*

I finish up the eggs right as the boys walk back inside.

"Ooo, the food's ready!" Tanner exclaims, before pushing past us and grabbing a plate.

I watch with my eyebrows pulled together has he piles food onto his plate.

Daniel looks at me, "We must apologize for his behavior. Apparently he was raised in a fucking barn and knows no manners."

Tanner shoots a glare at Daniel, then looks at me apologetically, "Sorry blondie. I just love food, and whenever I see it, I can't control myself."

Wesley chuckles, "Wow. So you act the same around food and girls."

He just narrows his eyes and grunts, "Shut up."

I just shrug everything off, and wait while the other two boys get their food.

I nudge Jasmine and whisper, "Hm. We just met these dudes yesterday and they're already staying our house like they live with us."

She chuckles and then asks them, "Hey, where'd Dustin run off to last night?"

All three guys look at each other, and a look of confusion falls over their faces.

"We don't actually know." Daniel tilts his head.

"Eh. He probably went home with that chick he was talking to last night."

We all nod in agreement.

Once we've all gotten our food, we head outside and sit in the big outside kitchen area.

As I'm munching on a piece of bacon, I look up and say, "Hayley, what are our plans today?"

She smile and puts down her fork, "Okay! My cousin's letting us use his boat on the water so I thought we could do that!"

"Dope!" Jasmine sits up in excitement.

Hayley looks over at the three guys, "You wanna join us? His boat is huge, and it would be a blast!"

Jasmine, Gabby and I all nod.

"Yeah," I grin, "It would be hella fun!"

The boys all share glances before Tanner looks at us and says,

"We'd love to! It's our day off, so it's perfect!"

"Right on!" Hayley smiles and winks at Tanner.

"No sex on the boat!" I add, chuckling as I look at Hayley and Tanner.

She rolls her eyes, "Fine. But for your information, that boat's huge and you probably wouldn't even be able to hear or see us!"

"How?" I ask, "Isn't it a speed boat?"

Gabby nods, "Yeah! There's nowhere to hide on a speed boat!"

She smirks, "Ah contraire, my innocent friends. My cousin added a lil interior to the boat. It's a small room where the bed is literally the whole flooring. He figured he needed it since he literally only goes out on the ocean with hot girls."

"Damn," Wesley exclaims, "Your cousin sounds like quite a stud."

Hayley shrugs, "I guess you could say that."

"Hm. Sounds more like a manslut to me." I grin as Hayley's eyes narrow.

"Anyways," Daniel moves on, "What time were y'all planning on going? I mean, we wanna go home and change."

Hayley shrugs, "How does 12:30 sound?"

They all nod.

"Sounds great!" Tanner answers, "We'll probably leave soon then so we can be ready."

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