twenty three

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All four of us are in Hayley's car, driving to the nearest mall.

Hayley's driving, I'm in the passenger seat, and Gabby and Jasmine are in the back.

We're listening to Bruno Mars, not talking, just the occasional sing along.

Then, out of nowhere, Gabby says,

"Guys... I have something to tell you."

None of us really show too much interest. I quickly glance in the rearview mirror, Hayley continues staring ahead, and Jasmine's looking up from her phone at her for a second.

"Okay, well... Daniel kinda asked me to be his girlfriend last night."

Then, simultaneously, Hayley turns off the music, Jasmine drops her phone, I spin around, and we all shout,


She jumps in surprise at our outburst.

"Gabby, no way!" Jasmine's mouth pulls into a smile.

"Yeah, we were cuddling on the bed in the hotel, and we were kinda just talking, and then he asked me."

"This is so soon! Did you say yes?" Hayley exclaims.

Gabby nods, "Yes."

"This is soon." I stare at her, "Are you sure this isn't too soon? I mean, you have only known each other for a short period of time."

"Plus, there's the whole long distance thing." Jasmine adds.

She starts blushing and says, "Yeah. I'm sure. I know it's weird, but he and I really have a connection. I've never felt this way about anyone before. And as for the long distance, we stayed up most of the night talking about it. We're gonna text everyday, and FaceTime as often as possible. Also, when we find time, we'll take turns driving to each other, or meeting in between. He's perfect in every way, and somehow, over these past few days, I've fallen for him. He's worth it."

We all smile.

"Well, we're happy for you Gab." Jasmine says.

"Yeah. Congratulations." I reach my hand back and place it on her hand for a couple seconds, "I'm glad you found a way to work this out."

There's a pause before Hayley asks, "S, I have a question and I don't mean to be annoying. But, why couldn't you do that with Wes?"

I shrug and sigh, "I mean, we're not the same people as Gab and Daniel."

"But you two obviously have chemistry. I mean, that guy pulled out out of your funk! That must mean he's worth something!" Gabby points out.

I shake my head, "I just don't want to be tied down by someone, and I don't want them to feel tied down to me. And based off of what Wes has observed over the past few days, I don't think he'd trust me to be faithful."

"Do you trust yourself?" Jasmine asks.


"Do you trust yourself?" She repeats, "To be faithful?"

I bite my lip and reply, "Of course I'd be faithful! Cheating is one of the worst things that could happen to a person! Wes has already experienced that and I'd never make him experience it again. But, I don't want to worry him. He's an amazing person who deserves someone close to him, who he can one hundred percent depend on. He deserves things I'm can't give him. It's just better this way."

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