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"Girl, look." Hayley taps my shoulder.

I look at where she's looking, and and see the same three lifeguards, and their friend just chilling. They're passing around a football, and my eyes go to the cute one from yesterday.

He looks hella hot right now, to be completely
honest. I mean, he's shirtless, and he has extremely defined abs. And then, I see the raindrops landing on him, running down his body, and it looks so attractive. Like something straight out of a male modeling magazine.

My friends must've stopped paying attention to them, because they're now having a completely separate conversation.

I shift my focus from my friends to the guy. I watch as his friend throws the football to him, but it misses by so much, and ends up landing in the ocean. The guy yells something at his friend, before looking at me.

I look at the ball, and back at him, wondering what his next move will be. I feel myself shudder. The water looks super dangerous right now, so I'm really hoping he doesn't try and swim in it.

But, of course, he gives me one last glance before running into the ocean, and diving after the ball.

"Yo! Did you just see that?!" Gabby shouts.

I nod, along with Jasmine and Hayley.

"Damn, that kid's got some balls!" Jasmine says in awe.

I feel myself praying that he pops back up with the ball. I continue staring at the waves, worrying when his head doesn't show above the waves. Lucky for me, he finally does. He's standing, holding he ball in the air.

As relief floods my body, it soon disappears, horror replacing it. Behind him, I see a huge wave forming. Like, bigger then I've ever seen before.

I hear his friends shouting at him to come come back to shore, but he must not've understood them, because he looks at me again.

All I can do is stare at the wave behind him in dress, knowing what follows can't be good.

"Shit..." Hayley grasps Jasmine's hand in fear.

He suddenly turns around, but it's too late. I watch as the wave engulfs him, and he falls into the water. Again, I wait for him to pop back up, but he doesn't. He doesn't come back up.

I let out a shriek in terror.

I look over at his friends, hoping that they'll do something, but they all look frozen with fear.

Suddenly, I feel something spark inside of me. I stand up, and take my jacket off.

"S-S-S-Sage... What are you doing?" Gabby looks up at me.

"I'm going after him." I breath.

Jasmine immediately stands up and grabs my arm, "Hell to the no, you're not!"

I pull my arm away, "You said it yourself! I need to take more risks! Plus, I was a lifeguard for a bit throughout high school."

"You could die Sage! No way!" Hayley stands up as well. 

"Guys! He's been under water for God knows how long by now! And his "certified lifeguard" friends aren't doing shit! If I don't go after him, he'll die!"


I stop Hayley before she can say anything else, "Don't make this more dramatic than it already is. I'll be fine."

Before any of them can say anything else, I run towards the dooming waves. I feel the raindrops and wind hit my face right before I dive into the water.

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