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*Gabby's POV*

As I'm sitting on the couch flipping through my magazine, I hear my cellphone. I ignore it as it rings, and it goes away. But then it rings again and as I continue to ignore it, Hayley coughs to get my attention.

I look over to see her painting Jasmine's nails. Jasmine's hand is in her hand while the brush is in her other. She's looking at me while she says, "Please pick it up. The ringing is seriously annoying."

I roll my eyes and reach for my phone. She sends me a smile before focusing back on Jasmine and her nails.

I answer it while continuing to read this article.


"Hi Gab."



I close my magazine and sit up, "What's up?"

"Um, well Wes is on his way to talk to Sage. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because last night, he was really upset with what went down and he decided that tomorrow, or today, that he'd go and talk to her."

"Oh... Well she's still really upset. She's been in her room since last night."

"Really?" He sounds surprised, "It's two in the afternoon."

"Yeah. It's two in the afternoon the day after the guy she really likes called her a slut."

"Okay, okay, fair enough," He says defensively, "Well, I just thought I'd call in and warn you."

"Thank you. That's kind of you."

"I'll see you tonight then?" He asks with more happiness in his tone.

I smile, "Yeah. I'll see you tonight."


"Bye Daniel."

I put my phone down and sigh before going back to my magazine.

"So what did loverboy want?" Jasmine asks.

"Apparently Wesley's coming over to talk to Sage."

"What?!" Hayley exclaims, "Well shouldn't we go warn her so she's prepared?"

"Oh yeah!" I sit up, annoyed with myself for not thinking of that.

Right as I get up, I hear a knock on he door.

I meet both Hayley and Jasmine's eyes before walking over and opening it.


*Wesley's POV*

I walk up to the door timidly.

What if she refuses to talk to me? What if she hates me?

I bite my lip nervously and knock on the door.

Within a couple of seconds, it opens and I'm greeted by a Gabby with crossed arms.

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