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"Pass pass!" Dustin shouts at me.

I set the ball over to him and he spikes it over the other side of the net, gaining our team yet, another point.

We've now been playing volleyball for about an hour and Tanner got bored, so he switched places with Daniel, so now he's probably back to sitting on the high chair, flirting away. And, all Dustin's done is continuously hog the ball and get our team points in order to impress the brunette he was talking about.

Although, I can't help but laugh, because every time he tries to show off to her, she either doesn't acknowledge it, or she doesn't seem too impressed.

I look her way, and see her walk up to a group of guys.

I hear her say, "Well, I'm gonna go join my friends in the water."

They all mutter goodbyes and whatnot, and give her high fives.

I then look over at Dustin to see him drooling over her. He approaches her from behind, but before he can say anything, she grabs her water bottle and walks away.

I chuckle, and he shoots me a glare, causing me to chuckle even more.

I walk up to him and slap my hand on his back, "C'mon bud. You can try again some other time."

Daniel comes along to his other side and does the same thing, "Yeah. Or you'll keep being the cocky bitch you are, and scare her away,"

I chuckle, and Dustin smiles slightly.

"But seriously mate," He continues, "You need to take it down a few notches."

He sighs, and we walk back over to the lifeguard tower. I see that the three girls have joined the blonde girl again. And to my surprise, the brunette that Dustin has a crush on is one of her friends.

"No way!" Tanner comes up from behind.

He points at Dustin, "Your little crush is friends with," He then points at me, "Your little crush."

I push him away, "I don't have a crush on her."

This just causes him to laugh at me, "Okay."

I sigh, and watch her as she and her friends get up from their spot. She sends a glance my way, but doesn't make distinct eye contact with me. She quickly looks back at her bag and packs everything away and the four girls walk up the path and enter this wooden fence. I don't pull my eyes away until the fence door shuts.

Tanner puts his hand on my shoulder, "Sure you don't like her."

I roll my eyes, and walk up the ramp and into the tower.


*Sage's POV*

We walk back into the house and I can't stop thinking about that lifeguard. He was super  cute and I mean, he was looking at me...  A lot... Right? I shake my head, telling myself that he was looking at someone else.

Hayley walks up to me with a towel around her neck, "The three of us are gonna clean up, go out to dinner, then hit the club. Are you sure you don't wanna come?"

I nod, "Yeah. I'm actually just uh... Imma take a nice bubble bath."

She sighs, "Okay. Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find us."

"Yeah, alright." I give her a forced smile before heading up to my bedroom.

As I'm walking up the stairs, I hear Jasmine approach Hayley and say,

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