twenty one

252 3 0

*Sage's POV*

I down at my thigh, which Wes' hand is resting on, then back up at him.

He's staring straight ahead as he drives through the dark and back to his apartment.

He must've noticed me staring, cause he glances over at me and chuckles.


I sigh, and put my hand on his before asking,

"Are you really okay with our plan?"

"What do you mean?"

I make circles with my finger on the back of his hand, "The whole, moving on and seeing other people thing. I mean, I know that I'd be okay with that. But I don't want you to think it's just because I wanna immediate go home and mess around with other guys. Cause that wasn't why I suggested it. I did because, I mean... We did just meet, and even if it's just a few hours away, long distance relationships don't last very well anyways. So, if there's no set commitment, then there's no stress about break-ups or cheating. I mean, I wouldn't want you to feel like you couldn't date anyone else because of me."

He stays silent for a few seconds before saying, "Honestly, I wish there was a way for us to stay together. I understand where you're coming from and it makes perfect sense. But like... There's just so much that could go wrong."

"How so?"

He bites his lip and doesn't say a word as he pulls into the parking lot of his apartment complex.

"It's just that... I like you so much Sage. Like, so so much. You're one of the best things to enter my life. I don't know how I can just sit around, thinking that at that very moment, you might just be in someone else's arms."

I sigh and turn to him, taking both of his hands in mine after he parks.

"Wesley Thompson, I like you very much. You've opened me back up to the world! You've taught me how to have fun again! But, we're both juniors in college! Do you really think that we'll have time for a long distance relationship? You deserve someone who's there for you, in the flesh."

He lifts my hands and plants a kiss on them.

"Let's go up to my apartment. We can finish talking up there. I can make us tea or something."

I smile softly, "Alright. Let's go."

We make our way upstairs and when we get to his door, he pauses and puts his hand in his pocket. He pulls out a key and before unlocking his door, he turns to me, embarrassment taking over his face.

"So, the apartment might be slightly messy... Like, really messy."

I laugh, "It can't be that bad."

He shakes his head, "Trust me. Two boys living together? It'll be a pig's sty."

I smile, press my hands against his chest and kiss him.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you."

He smiles and proceeds to open the door.

We walk in, and my jaw drops.

It's completely spotless. Like, actually spotless.

I look over at Wes to find him as surprised as I am.

"Huh... I swear, this place was ten times messier this morning."

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