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All four of us walk back into the house and Jasmine grabs the blankets and shit, and walks away with them, leaving Hayley and Gabby with me.

"S, I'm gonna go make you some tea. Go shower and it'll be waiting for you when you're done." Gabby gives me a hug before heading into the kitchen.

"Thanks!" I call after her.

She waves without looking back.

I then turn to Hayley, my towel still wrapped around me, "Hey, I'm sorry for randomly inviting them to a previously non-existent party. I know it wasn't my place to say that."

She laughs, "Are you kidding?! You! Sage Greenswood is finally throwing a rager again! I'm so fucking happy about it!"

I smile, "I'm glad. So, who else can we invite? It's not like we know that many people here."

Jasmine enters the room again, giving me an answer, "I got some numbers from people I was playing volleyball with yesterday. They're super chill. Can I invite them?"

I nod, "Totally!"

"We also met some people at the club last night."

I shoot her a worried look.

"Don't worry! They're not trashy. Just energetic."

I chuckle, "Okay. Let's make this an official spring break party!"

"Alright! I know it's early, but Jas and I gonna start setting up the party room. I need to figure out how everything works! Go clean yourself up, and meet us down here when you're done!"

"Copy that." I solute her before heading upstairs.


*6 Hours Later*

"Guys! Help!" I shout from my room, my clothes strewn out everywhere.

The three girls come running into my room, coming to a quick halt after entering.

"What's up S?" Jasmine asks, breathing heavily.

I sigh, looking at all of my clothing items, "I want to look cute tonight, but I don't know what to wear."

Gabby approaches my things, and starts looking through things.

She holds up a pair of high waisted shorts and a black, spaghetti strap shirt.

I shrug, "That could work..."

Jasmine does the same as Gabby, but instead, goes for my strapless, floral romper.

I nod, "That's an option too..."

Both Gabby and Jasmine continue doing the same thing before Hayley cuts in.

"No, no, no."

I turn back to see her shaking her head, her hand on her chin in a thinking fashion.

She then gestures for me to follow, "Come with me."

She leads me and the other two into her room and opens up the closet where she put all of her clothes. She looks through about ten dresses before pulling out a really short, black leather skater dress.

She holds it up proudly, "This."

"I don't know... It looks quite short." I bite my lip awkwardly.

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