twenty six

205 0 1

*Wesley's POV*

I start walking through the house, which is fucking enormous. Not to mention packed. I have to push past so many drunk people, and try to block out the blasting music. I ask multiple people if they've seen Sage, but people either ignore me, or have no idea.

So, I continue searching. I wander outside and see a huge pool. Multiple people are swimming and hanging outside around the pool and whatnot. I then see a pathway that leads to a quieter area of the backyard.

I take a wild guess and just walk down to see if she possible went to find some peach and quiet.

As I make my way down, I find that it leads to a small little gazebo that is lit by a bunch of bright Christmas lights all around it. There are two figures so I get a bit closer. But, the closer I get, the more my heart breaks.

Once I'm at the distance where they won't notice me, but I can still see them clearly, I realize that it's Sage. But, not just Sage. Sage, and a guy.

I examine the situation closer, and realize that he's kind of a terrifying looking dude. By the looks of it, his whole body, minus his face is covered in fucking tattoos. The sides of his head are shaved with a faux-hawk/quiff in the middle. He has earrings, one that's like a black stud in one ear, and one that's a hanging strand of silver in the other ear. He's hella skinny, and he's wearing ripped black jeans, combat boots, and this muscle tee that hangs extremely low on his chest, and low on the cut sleeves. Basically, it's like he's just wearing a strip of clothing.

He has his hand on one of the wooden pillars of the gazebo, and is leaning in, and kissing Sage, who's sitting on the railing. She's wearing extremely short, ripped jean shorts, and what looks like a white, cropped tank top. However, I can't really tell, cause she's wearing a black leather jacket, which looks like it belongs to the guy.

I watch in pain as they stop kissing, and he smiles at her, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. He says something, and she laughs, slightly hiding her face from him.

She then puts her hand on his cheek, and proceeds to run it through whatever hair he has.

I then watch them talk for another minute or so before they start kissing again. Only this time, it's a lot more passionate. One of his hands is on her cheek, his other on her knee. Both of her hands are on his chest. I try and look away, but it's like I can't. My eyes are following his hand that's slowly making it's way up her leg.

Then, because it's hurting me to watch this, right as his hand is about to grab her ass, I uncontrollably jump out of my hidden area and shout,

"What the fuck!"

Sage screams in surprise and starts falling backwards on the rail. The guy quickly grabs one of her hands in his, puts his other arm around her and pulls her forwards. She hops off and into his arms, breathing heavily.

She then turns to me and shouts, "Wesley?!"

The guy's staring at me with a hostile gaze, but stays silent.

My mouth starts moving, trying to say something, but nothing comes out.

"What the fuck Wesley! What the fuck are you doing here?! How long have you been here?!"

Her yells are a mixture of anger, confusion, and shock.


"Wes, what the fuck is going on?!"

Before I can even try to answer, Gabby, Daniel, Jasmine and Hayley come running over.

"Wes, what the fuck did you do?" Hayley's eyes are widened.

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