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*Peter's POV*

Sage left around twenty minutes ago for a walk to clear her mind.

I feel anger and resentment rising in my stomach. This Wesley guy is here for less than three days, and he's already made a mess of everything. He's hurt Sage, he's opened Trent back up to his old ways, and he's overall a parasite that needs to leave.

I somehow make my way over to Trent's frat and find myself knocking on the door.

Of course, none other than Trent, opens it up.

He gives me an evil smile and leans against the doorframe.

"Well, hello. We just keep getting more and more guests over. First, Sage's slut of a friend, and now, her freak of a boyfriend."

I roll my eyes, "Shut up Trent."

His smile fades and he stands up straight now, "What do you want Peter?"

"I want to talk to Wesley."

He tilts his head in interest, "Oh! Why, of course!"

He looks behind him and shouts, "Wes!"

He then brings his face back to me and says, "He should be here any second."

We both stand there for a few seconds, silently glaring at each other before I say,

"So... Are you going to let me in?"

He scoffs, "As if I'm gonna let someone like you contaminate my house. No. You can talk to your little friend here outside."


I wait a few more seconds in silence before Wes comes to the door.

"Hey, what's up! You ca-"

He spots me and cuts off his own sentence.

"Oh... Peter..."

I give him a sarcastic smile, "Wesley."

Trent gives Wesley a nudge outside, gives me a smirk, then shuts the door.

I give him a cold glare, but before I can say anything, he starts speaking.

"Why are you here?"

"Are you kidding me?! You've intruded on all of our lives and have shifted them all downhill! Why else do you think I'm here?!"

"Shut up, alright?! I'm just having a good time!"

I raise my eyebrow, "Oh really? You're having fun by making my girlfriend's life hell?"

"She shouldn't be with you. She deserves better than a tattooed burnout."

"Burnout?! Buddy, I've kept straight As here at this college, and had a 4.0 in high school. I'm studying pre-med right now. Do I sound like a burnout?"

"You really think you're gonna get a big job like a doctor with those tattoos all over your body, and ripped up clothes like that? No. You're gonna go nowhere."

I smile, "Are you really that insecure and pathetic, that you have to attack everything about me to make yourself feel better?"

Anger fills his eyes, "I'm not insecure or pathetic!"

"Oh really? Must I remind you that you hooked up with the slut of the school in front of everyone, just to get back at Sage for dating me?"

"Look. Hayley already came by to lecture me. My friend who I haven't talked to in months called me to lecture me. I don't need the boyfriend of the girl I love lecturing me as well."

My eyes widen, "Love?"

His eyes shoot up to me, "What?"

"You said the girl you love... You love Sage?"

He shakes his head, fear filling his eyes, "No! No, I don't!"

I place my hand on my head, everything falling into place.

"You came here, solely for the purpose of seeing Sage, because you've been in love with her for months. You're using Trent's twisted logic to try and get her to fall back in love with you. You're crazy in love with her."

He doesn't say anything, and I take a threatening step towards him.

"Don't go anywhere near Sage ever again."

He looks up at me, both fright and anger filling his gaze,

"Y-y-you can't tell me what to do."

"To hell I can! Sage is my girlfriend! Move the fuck on! She doesn't love you!"


"You think that you can just steal her away from me by being an asshole? No. No, that's not how this shit works Wesley! I'm not even worried about her leaving me for you! No, I need you to stay away from her because you are bringing both physical, and emotional harm to her!"

He shakes his head, "No. No, you can't ask me to stay away from her."

I grab his shirt and push him up against the house, "You will stay away from her!"


I pull him out slightly and slam him harder into the wall, "I swear to fucking God Wesley! So much as shoot her a text, I will kill you."

More silence.

"Say it! Say you won't even lay an eye on Sage!"


I feel all my hatred towards him build up and I throw him to the ground and he lands with a thud and a grunt.

"Fine. Be a fucking pussy! But just know that I'm watching you! I'm not going to let you hurt Sage anymore! You're going to keep your distance until you leave tomorrow! Then everything will go back to normal!"

He doens't stand up, but he raises himself slightly with his hands and looks up at me, "I'm not going to stop loving Sage, just because you think you know what's best for her. One day, she'll realize she made a mistake dating you."

I just narrow my eyes, debating whether I should kick him, but I decide against it.

I shake my head, "You made a big mistake coming here."

And with that, I turn around and head back to Sage's sorority house.


*Wesley's POV*

I slowly push myself up to my feet once he's gone, squinting my eyes in pain.

How do I just stop loving someone? I just can't.

As I dust my pants off, Trent comes back outside.

"What did that dick do?"

I shake my head, "Nothing. He just pushed me around a little."

His eyebrow raises, "He hit you?"

"No. He pushed me up against the wall, then threw me to the ground. I'm fine. Just a little pain in my side."

"I'll kill him."

"No, no. It's fine. Maybe he's right. Maybe I should just stay away from everybody until I leave tomorrow."

Trent lets out a mischievous cackle, "Yeah, as if we're going to let him get away with that! No, no. You're going help me, and yourself."

He gives a devilish grin and puts his arm around my shoulders, guiding me inside.

"C'mon. We're about to end him once and for all. Then, you're home free."


a/n: ahhh! so fucking close to finishing! (ha i literally say that every single chapter!) anyways, i mean it. i've been writing this for literal years now and it's crazy to see that it's actually kind of a success! sorry, ill save all the snappiness for the actual last chapter :) ily my friends ❤️

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