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*Wesley's POV*

I feel my jaw drop as I watch her top fall off of her body. Actually, no. I felt my jaw drop lower than before. It was already dropped right after she stole the dare. I mean, the whole reason I didn't want to do the dare was because I'm not about public nudity. Especially with strangers, and a girl I really like. I mean, both Sage and I saw each other naked last night. I thought that was something special that was supposed to happen when you're ready to take a step further with someone you like. Not for a dumb game of truth or dare.

But then again, I'm not complaining. Like, she has a hella nice body, and seeing it definitely turns me on, but I also know it's turning on my friends, which is not okay with me.

However, I can't seem to take my eyes off of her in admiration.

Right as the bikini top touches the boat, she leaps into the ocean in the most beautiful, graceful way ever.

All of us rush over and peek over the edge of the boat. Her head pops up from under the water and just bobs.

"That was so much fun!" She shouts up to us.

Wow... she's absolutely stunning. I can't help but stare at her chest that's visible in the clear, blue waters.

"Okay," Hayley calls over the edge, "Want another dare? I mean, it technically wasn't you're dare, so we can still give you another one!"

"Throw all you got at me!"

"Ooo!" Jasmine exclaims, "I've got one!"

"What is it?" Sage asks.

"See that boat over there?" Jasmine points to a boat not too far away.

My eyes adjust to the distance, and I see that the boat has three guys around our age on it, drinking beers and blasting music.

"Yeah!" Sage nods.

"I dare you to swim over to their boat, climb on without any explanation, make out with the hottest one there, and wait to see their reaction before coming back over."

"YES!" Hayley agrees, "That's a good dare! Do that!"

I feel my stomach turning at the idea of her kissing someone else, so without thinking, I blurt out, "But you don't have to if you don't want to!"

I feel Tanner elbow me, and I look over to see his eyes narrowed, and his head shaking.

"Are you serious?" I hear Sage shout, "That's a great dare!"

"Cool!" Jasmine tosses her bikini top over the edge of the boat, "Here! Don't be topless for this dare!"

"Ugh! You're so lucky," Hayley groans, "They're all so hot!"

"True that." Jasmine crosses her arms and nods.

"You're right," Sage looks their way, "How can I kiss the hottest if they're all hot?"

"Just pick one randomly!" Gabby shouts, "It'll be awesome!"

"Okay!" I watch as she puts her top back on, "I'll be back friends!"

And with that, she starts heading towards the other boat.

"Wow, I can't believe she's actually gonna do it!" Dustin says in awe.

"Yeah! Blondie's seriously got some balls!" Tanner comments.

"You've got that right." Gabby nods, "She's the biggest dare devil there is. This dare is nothing compared to what she's done in the past."

"Damn..." I say quietly, "So she's pretty outgoing when it comes to boys, huh?"

"What?" Jasmine turns to me.

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