twenty nine

181 2 0

*Wes' POV*

It's an hour later, and I find myself walking back over to the house that had just hosted the party.

I, along with Trent and his frat are all carrying bags full of water balloons. They haven't told me exactly what we're doing, but I have a pretty good idea, and I don't feel to good about it.

"First step to getting revenge on a girl..." I remember Trent explaining as he was filling balloons, "Is making sure she knows you're over her. And what better way to prove that, then be a complete asshole! It shows that you don't care about her feelings. I'll tell you the second step when that time comes."

I just try and convince myself that he has a point once we're approaching the front of the house.

All of the lights look off for the most part, so people have probably gone to bed.

"Okay," Trent takes my bag from me, "Text Sage and tell her to meet you outside. Tell her it's urgent or something. We'll be hiding behind these bushes. Make sure once she comes out, you're out of the way. Got it?"

I nod cautiously, "Are you sure about this?"

"Positive." He flat out answers, "Trust me on this."

I sigh, and start walking out and over to the porch. I stop a few feet behind the steps and pull out my phone.

Me: Sage, please come outside. I really need to talk to you.

Within seconds, she responds.

Sage: No Wes. You've done enough tonight. Peter's asleep and I really don't wanna wake him.

Me: Please? Can you just come out by yourself? I wanna apologize.

Sage: Apologize tomorrow.

Me: Please Sage? Please?

Sage: Ugh, fine. Fine, but then I don't wanna see you again after this.

Me: Fair enough.

I then stand there waiting for her.

The porch light turns on after about a minute, and then seconds later, Sage walks outside. All she's wearing is an oversized, Green Day t-shirt, which I'm guessing is Peter's, and her blonde hair is pulled back into a loose ponytail.

She walks down the steps of the porch and stops once she's in front of me.

"So?" She crosses her arms, "Why was this so urgent?"

I just bite my lip and stare at her for a few seconds, and then I hear Trent behind me shout,


I leap out of the way, and I see everyone hop out of the bushes and chuck water balloons directly at Sage.

She starts screaming, and doing that thing where she holds her hands out and lifts one leg up as if to protect her.

"What the fuck!" She continues shouting at the endless balloons.

She starts running back towards the porch, but she slips on the water that's on the steps and falls.

"Shit!" She shouts.

I watch as the guys run out of their hiding places, stand even closer her and throw them at her body as she's trying to get up.

"Fuck you all! Get away from me!"

Then suddenly, Peter, along with five guys from his frat run out of the house and start shouting at us.

I watch as Peter runs up to Sage, kneels down and helps her up. The other guys start chasing Trent and his friends away while yelling in anger.

Once everyone that I came with has fled, I stay there, unable to take my eyes off of Sage, who's now standing in Peter's arms.

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