twenty five

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*Nine Months Later*

*Wesley's POV*

"Can I come with you?!" I nearly beg Daniel.

It's the first week of winter break, and Daniel's using a few days of it to visit Gabby. Yep. They've now been together for nine months, whereas and I'm still single as well as in love with Sage Greenswood. Anyways, they've only seen each other in person maybe four times since that one trip, so they'll meet up any chance they can get.

"That's not a good idea bro." He zips his duffle bag up, "You guys barely kept touch a month after they left. You really think it'd be a good idea for you to tag along?"

"Yes! I miss her so much and I wanna spend time with her!"

"Why can't you just text her?" Daniel throws the bag over his shoulder, "Or call her? You've gotta man up bro. It's pretty obvious that she's not gonna make the first move, so you've gotta do it."

I follow him outside as he walks over to my car and opens the trunk.

"I won't let you take my car if you don't let me come." I cross my arms stubbornly.

He puts his things in my car and turns to me, "Oh my God! You just don't stop, do you?!"

"Please?" I ask once more.

He lets out a groan and shuts the trunk, "Fine. But it's been nearly a year. We're all seniors now, and people change as each year progresses. I mean, you saw what happened to Dustin! We don't even talk to him anymore. We've all changed. Who knows what she's like now."

I shake my head, "I know Sage. She's still her."

"But didn't she go through that lost identity crisis last year?"

I hit his shoulder, "Shut up. I'm gonna go pack quickly. Also, don't tell Gabby I'm coming. She'd tell Sage, and I want it to be a surprise!"

He opens his mouth to protest, but I walk out before he can.

I feel excitement rising in my stomach. She's gonna be so surprised! Maybe this will prove to her that we could make a relationship work, cause I'd put the time in coming to visit her. It'll be so great to see her! I haven't talked to her in over half a year, so I'm having Sage withdrawal.

I quickly throw things into my suit case. Daniel's staying for a total of two nights, and three days, so I pack accordingly.

Then, his head pops into our room and he says, "Hurry up dude! In case you've forgotten, commercial flights don't adjust their times for Daniel and Wes!"

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!"

I run into the bathroom that's across our apartment and grab my toiletries.

After about ten minutes of me literally chucking shit into my bag, I finally throw it over my shoulder and run out to my car. Daniel's already inside waiting with the car on.

I put everything in the trunk and get into the passenger seat.

"Why can't I drive?"

He puts the car into reverse and pulls out of our parking space, "Because it's a half an hour drive, your crazy, and I don't want to die before we can even get to the airport."

I glare at him, "I'm not crazy!"

He widens his eyes as he stares ahead of him, "Yeah, alright buddy."

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