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*Wes' POV*

Everyone runs into the house howling and cheering.

I caught up with everyone just as they were approaching the house.

Once we're inside, Trent runs up to me and slaps me shoulder, "Bro, we totally got that bitch!"

The frat cheers behind us.

"I don't know Trent... Are you sure that wasn't going too far?"

He laughs, "Are you kidding me? Now she knows that you're over her! The next step is the easy one that will show her how you've moved on!"


He smiles in an evil manner, "We're gonna throw a dayger!"

"A dayger?" I ask in confusion.

"Yes! A rager in the daytime! And we're gonna pimp you up with one of the hottest girls here!"

I sigh, "Trent..."

"Trust me Wesley Thompson! By tomorrow night, she'll be back in your arms in no time! Either that, or you got your official revenge on her!"

"Why do you even want to help me Trent? We just met."

He grins, "I'm assuming you know of Gabby, yes?"

I nod.

"Well, we dated a while back. She was absolutely crazy. She broke up with me for the absolute dumbest reason. So, I know where you've been. Girls are psychotic man! It's only fair that we show them the same amount of crazy, right?"

I don't necessarily agree with him, but he seems like one of those guys you don't wanna cross, so I simply agree.

"Yeah, totally."

He gives me a proud smile and slaps my back, "That's right! Now you're learning! C'mon! Let's get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow!"

He gestures to the couch, and I walk over to it.

As I'm sitting down, one of the guys chucks a pillow and blanket at me.

"Sleep well Wesley. We'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early!"

And with that, he, and the rest of the frat scatter and go to bed.

I lay down and pull the blanket over my body.

Am I doing the right thing?


*Sage's POV*

I wake up in Peter's arms, the sun peeking through the curtains.

I look around and see that Peter's three roommates are still asleep in their bunk beds, and I want to check the time, but I also don't want to wake Peter up.

As I'm about to go back to sleep, I hear rustling and voices in the other rooms, so I assume a few guys are up.

So, I gently lift Peter's arms up and get out of bed quietly. He rolls over and lets out a hushed groan, but doesn't wake up. So, I throw one of his soft jackets over my body and walk out of the bedroom, making sure to stay quiet so I don't wake any of the guys up.

I walk into the kitchen to see Hank, Dean, Lane and Derek all standing around the kitchen, eating food and chatting.

Lane spots me as I enter and nods at me, "Morning Sage."

I give small wave, "Morning boys. What time is it?"

"Eleven fifteen." Dean answers as he opens his protein shake.

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