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I feel my eyes opening slowly, and blinking as the sun shines directly down onto my face. I then hear the beautiful sound of waves softly crashing onto shore, and the not so beautiful sound of seagulls squacking and what not. I sit up to see a pile of wood and stones with smoke slowly rising from it, the fire extinguished. I look over to my side to see a the slow rise and fall of Wesley's sleeping chest. I look down to see that my bare chest is still covered by a warm blanket. I quickly look under to see that my panties are still on.

I press my palm against my forehead as I sit up. The memory of last night floods into my mind, and I smile, not regretting a thing. And lucky for me, once again, I have no hangover.

I look around for my bra and dress, but I they're flung many feet away from me. I do, however, see Wesley's button up right next to me, so without waking him up, I crawl out from under the blankets and sit up. I then grab his shirt, and put it over my naked body. I button it up, and just look out at the ocean.

The sun's just barely risen, so I'm assuming it can't be anywhere past 7:00 am.

As I continue staring out into the endless waters, I feel movement beside me. I look down to see Wesley shifting, his eyes fluttering open. He takes one deep breath in before saying,

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I reply with a smile.

He lets out a soft groan as he sits up, "Last night was pretty great huh?"

I nod, "Yeah. I had a really good time."

He lifts his hand and pushes my stray hairs behind my ears, "I'm not just talking about sleeping with you. You know that, right?"

I laugh without saying anything.

"I mean, don't get me wrong!" He exclaims, "That was great too! But I mean, getting to talk to you and hang out with you was way more valuable than any sex could ever be."

I feel my cheeks turning pink, "I couldn't have said that better myself."

He leans in, and gives my cheek a kiss that lingers for a second.

As he pulls back, he looks me up and down before saying, "Hey, that's my shirt."

I glance down and back up before responding.

"Oh yeah! Sorry. My clothes were kinda far away and I didn't want to walk over to get them without anything on," I pull my hair back into a messy ponytail, "You can have it back if you'd like."

He shakes his head looking at me in what only can be described as awe, "No, no. It's all good! It looks... it looks good on you."

I smile and look down, "Thanks..."

I move my head back up to see him still looking at me with that same expression.

I rub my collarbone in slight embarrassment as I ask, "What?"

"Nothing, nothing..." He starts, "It's just that... I-I've never seen someone as beautiful as you. I mean, you look so good in a ponytail and my shirt."

I chuckle, "Thanks. That's really sweet."

He just continues to stare at me with his adorable face, and I put my hand on his chest and lightly trace shapes onto it as I say, "Wanna go inside? We can get some breakfast."

He nods, "Yeah, I'd like that."

I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips, "Okay, let's go."

We both stand up and fold all of the blankets we brought out. Wesley quickly pulls his pants over his boxers and I also run over and grab my dress and bra that were thrown last night.

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