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*Wesley's POV*

"Fuck, guys this really hurts!" I screech through clenched teeth.

I look up at the ceiling as the needle continues endlessly going in and out of the skin on my left shoulder.


"Oh don't be a pussy Wes!" Trent chuckles, "This is what you wanted right? One, you wanted to get Sage to fall back in love with you! Well, you told me that Sage said her type is now guys like Peter! If you get a tattoo, you're one step closer to guys like him! Two, you wanted to fuck with her little boy toy! Well, this will piss him off more than you could ever imagine! You're killing two birds with one stone!"

I look over at him in pain, "I'm starting to think that this wasn't worth it! I think I'm gonna pass out!"

The guys all share a chuckle as the tattoo artist pulls the needle away and looks at me and Trent in concern.

"Keep on going." Trent crosses his arms, "He can handle it."

"How far is he?" I ask breathily.

Trent looks over the artist's shoulder and laughs.

"Only just finishing the outline."

"WHAT?!" I exclaim.

He just rolls his eyes, "Calm down and grow a pair, will you?"

I glare at him, "Why don't you grow a pair and get one yourself ass wipe!"

Once again, he just chuckles.

"Bro, I don't want a tattoo. Never have, never will. I don't need ink permanently embedded in my skin in order to feel hot."

I just continue holding my breath in anxiety and pain as the needle keeps on going.

As the extremely slow minutes go by, Trent and his frat start to show signs of boredom. A few of them left to grab a bite, a couple went back out to the main area of the parlor, another few actually went home, and now Trent and whoever's left are all sitting on the floor of the room on their phones and whatnot.

Suddenly, probably about twenty minutes later, I hear a bunch of shouting in the front of the parlor.

"Hey! Hey sir, you can't just go back there!"

I hear a voice shouting after someone.

The artist looks up from what he's doing, and the rest of our eyes follow his.

Suddenly, the door slams open, and in the walkway, is someone I did not expect to see.

"Ah, Peter!" Trent stands up and claps his hands together, "I expected you to show!"

Peter ignores Trent and looks right past him, at me, "What the hell do you think you're doing Thompson?!"

"Um, I'm going to give you guys a sec." The artists gets to his feet, "Come get me when you're ready to finish this."

And with that, he exits.

I look up at Peter, who's now made his way past Trent and is right next to me.

I can basically feel the rage radiating off of his body.

Immediately, he grabs my shirt and pulls me towards him, slightly lifting me off of the chair.

"You really think you can just take my tattoo design and put it on your weak little shoulder?! In the exact same spot?!"

I feel fear running down my spine, but before I can reply or do anything, I feel his body being pulled off of me.

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