twenty eight

196 3 0

*Daniel's POV*

The party's coming to an end and Gabby and I are chilling on one of the couches. I have my arm around her and we're talking to these five girls from both her sorority as well as another one.

"So, how does that whole long distance thing work?" Marie, one of the girls in Gabby's sorority asks.

"It's hard, I won't lie." Gab answers, "There are days when I literally go crazy cause I can't see him. But, we love each other, so we make it work."

"I just don't understand!" Another girl named Harley asks, "I tried to have a relationship with someone who only lives like, thirty minutes away and we didn't even last a month!"

"It just depends." I shrug, "It depends on the people in the relationship. It takes a lot to keep this going. But it's all worth it."

Another girl goes to say something, but Wes walks into the room, stands right in front of my view of her, and looks down at me.

"I found a place to stay!" He announces proudly.

It quickly hits me that we'd never organized where he'd stay while we're here, so I jump to my feet in surprise.

"What? Dude I totally forgot about that!"

He shakes his head, "Don't worry! I worked it out!"

"What do you mean...?" I ask cautiously.

"I befriended this guy in the frat house a few doors down! They're letting me stay with them!"

"Who's this guy?" Gabby stands up and asks.

"His name's Trent!"

She lets out a long, frustrated breath, "You can't stay with Trent's frat Wes."

"Why?" He asks in bewilderment.

"Because!" She tries to stay calm, "Because Trent's an asshole! His whole frat is made up of assholes! You can't stay there!"

"Oh yeah?" He challenges, "And where else would I stay then?"

"I don't know!" She shouts, "Just not with them!"

Before anything else can be said, a big group of guys stampede into the room and shout all they way until they reach Wes.

"Wesley! Bro!" The guy in the front shouts and puts his arm around his shoulder, "We've been looking for you!"

"Trent, what are you doing?" Gabby crosses her arms and glares at him.

"I'm just showing your boyfriend's mate what a real frat house is like!"

"You're house is barely a frat house! It's more like a house of horrors!"

He smirks and forcefully takes a step closer to her, "What's your problem, huh Gab? Jealous that it's not you who's staying with us?"

I find myself in between the two, "Hey, I think it's time for you to leave buddy."

He stares into my eyes with his hard gaze for a few seconds before letting out a spiteful laugh, "Back down dude! We're just about to dip! Your little girlfriend's not worth it."

And with that, the pack of guys surround Wes as if they're his body guards, and they all exit, taking their obnoxious howls with them.

I turn to Gabby and see hatred in her eyes. An emotion that I wasn't really sure existed in her being.

"What's up with him Gab?"

"Nothing." She doesn't meet my eyes.

I pull her aside and ask once more, "Gab. What aren't you telling me?"

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