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After everyone has left, except for Kris, since CL asked him nicely to stay and help her clean up the mess, even if it was against Kris' wishes, he had to comply, he was compelled to do what his BEAUTY asks of him to do.

"How is it that you are pretty close with DO?" Kris asked out of curiosity

"Well... if you must know... he goes to the same university as I am... we have the same classes for 2 minor subjects... so naturally, I would feel close to him" CL replied nonchalantly

"So... what's happening tomorrow that DO asked you to go to?" Kris asked while holding out a black garbage bag while CL dumps every trash she could find on the floor.

"Um, he asked me if I want to go out cause there was this weekend party near the clearing!" CL replied side glancing Kris waiting for his reaction

"And you do know that there will also be wolves present there, do you? Much dangerous than that Joon asshole of a pack leader!" Kris uttered under his breath

"That's why I told him you were also coming with me... so it won't be much of a danger" CL continued to clean up her living room as Kris followed her every move.

"You are enjoying having a watch dog eh?" Kris stated with a sigh

"Um, could you stop referring to yourself as an animal... cause I can't stop myself from picturing that I have you on a leash as I walk along the park... it really is a silly and hilarious idea!" CL laughed at the thought of it, Kris with his bitch face while walking at the park in his wolf-form, with a dog collar and a leash.

"Kris... that Joon guy... are there many like them? I mean do they... you know eat humans even if there is no full moon?" CL asked carefully as she tried to remove the images of her being attacked by vicious wolves.

"Yes... well actually... there are two types of wolves that I know of... the purebreeds and the halfbreeds... purebreeds meaning they were born as a shapeshifter-wolf... meaning wolf parents, wolf mom and wolf dad... then there are half breeds that were created by a bite." Kris began to explain

"A bite?! I was bitten by one of those guys... am I gonna turn into a wolf also?" CL panicked as she raised her shirt to show Kris a bite mark from Sungho when he was trying to shake the consciousness out of her.

"No... not just any bite... a wolf's fangs must sink in deeper to release a venom... a sort of poison that will inject something inside a human that will turn him into a wolf... Purebreeds can live off of animals and remain strong... while halfbreeds need human sustenance to become stronger..." Kris finished his explanation staring deeply into CL's eyes as he lightly touched CL's hands to lower her shirt and cover up.

"So you are a half? Since you told me that you'll have to eat me, come full moon, right?" CL concluded as she tried to think back from what happened a month ago.

"Yes I am." Kris nodded

"So... since you are strong... you must have taken a lot of humans in the past, right?" CL hesitated to ask but curiosity got the better of her.

"Honestly... I only do it twice or thrice a year... not on every full moon... every full moon is when we are the strongest... and the moment you devour a human, excuse me for referring to you as a meal, you get a high, a sort of euphoria... where you feel invincible." Kris answered as he tied the garbage bag and put it in the trash bin in the kitchen.

"Why me? I mean... how do you choose who to... you know... eat?" CL asked as she handed Kris a cup of coffee

"UM... well, you exude an aura off of you that only us wolves can see... your scent and your flavor... um it's like you are wearing a perfume that I like... and I got a whiff off of it while you were shopping at the shopping district... you have this charisma and an air to you that I like... I can't pin point it... and then that's when I decided that you would be my perfect prey." Kris answered carefully trying to gauge CL's reaction from it all.

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