365- CHANYEOL PART 3 1/2

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3 6 5 - CHANYEOL PART 3 1/2

"CL!" Chanyeol exclaimed as he put his hand on his mouth... he shook his head and just stared at Chaerin for a whole minute.

He dare not speak or even blink, for fear that CL in front of him was just a dream.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol! Yah!" Chaerin poked his forehead to wake him up from his trance, when he did wake up, he began his walking around the room once again... with long strides, walking around and around... and was stopped by Chaerin.

"Stop! Are you alright?" Chaerin asked as she guided Chanyeol to sit on her bed to calm himself down.

"I can't believe it! You are actually CL! Oh my! The humiliating things you know about me! My sisters are never gonna let me hear the end of this!Why didn't I see the similarities?! I mean sure... yes, you resemble her... I was about to tell you, that you look like her, but I always shook the idea out of my head... you are here, standing in front of me... OH MY GOD! You are my idol! MY FEELS! I can go die now!" Chanyeol blurted out all the things that he was thinking at that moment, Chaerin smiled at him and found him adorable, she can't believe that a tall guy as himself would fanboy like this in front of her.

Chaerin then sat beside Chanyeol who just kept staring at her and then blinking once in a while and trying to squeeze his eyes and then open them and then be surprised at Chaerin's presence.

Chaerin then went back to the bathroom to get some makeup remover wipes and wiped half of her face to show Chanyeol the transformation, much to his amazement.

"Chanyi-ah, you have seen me at my worst state! Remember what I look like every morning! If I was being CL, I wouldn't be caught dead looking like that! But I am Chaerin... a 2nd year college student of the University of Performing Arts, majoring in Composition... I am first and foremost your friend... I'd like for you to think of me as a friend rather than your idol." Chaerin smiled as she slowly held Chanyeol's hand in hers.

"Ok, now that we have set that aside... can we move on, now?" Chaerin smiled at the blushing Chanyeol, he nodded and hang his head low.

Just that moment, Minji came inside the room and saw the two holding hands.

"Ooops, did I interrupt something? Mianhae!" Minji side glanced the two blushing people who were sitting comfortably on the bed.

"Um, hi Minji-ah! Is the practice still on for tonight?" Chaerin asked as she looked at Chanyeol's already red cheeks

"Neh unnie! Did they already tell you that you are also included in the set performance?" Minji gave her eye smile, Chaerin nodded and smiled as she patted Chanyeol's hand as he looked up and nodded and gave a bit of a smile as well.

"I have to go prepare for the practice... see you later tonight!" Chanyeol uttered as he looked at the two girls and walked out of the room.

Once Chanyeol closed the door to the room, he leaned on the door and clutched his chest feeling his heart beating so fast, he smiled as he looked at the hand that Chaerin held as he walked away.

Later that night almost everyone was in the rehearsal studio, except for Chanyeol, everyone looked at Chaerin for answers

"Why me?" Chaerin wondered aloud

"Because you are close with him?" Kyungsoo uttered

"You are closer though!" Chaerin reasoned out

"Aren't you two together already?" Sehun wondered

"Yeah, weren't you two dating in the cafeteria awhile ago?" Kai added with a smile as he sat down beside her.

"Ani... that's not it" Chaerin shrugged her shoulders while blushing

"Then, why are you blushing?" Suho teased

"And they were holding hands awhile ago... in the room... alone!" Minji added fuel to the fire that gained a lot of shouts, cheers and teasing, Chaerin was now feeling warmer and hotter since everyone was out to tease her without Chanyeol saving her.


Meanwhile, our dear Chanyeol was on his way out of the dorm room, he was running late because he fell asleep that afternoon, dreaming about what happened earlier that afternoon.

He was about to turn the door knob of his door when he heard two familiar voices along the corridor. He could recognize the voices right away... it was his worst nightmare and they were in his dorm building, inside the campus.

He quickly opened the door and to his horror, stood just outside of his dorm room were his sisters... THE SSANG PARK

"CHANYEOL-IEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" the two chorused as they gave him a hug


"Omo noonas! What are you two doing here? How did you know what room I was in? How did you get here? Why?" Chanyeol was panicking, looking around if anyone has seen them.

"Mom told us, duh?" Bom rolled her eyes upward

"Why are you so worked up?" Dara asked, before they could get another word, Chanyeol was already dragging them away from the dorm building, out of his panic he headed towards an empty room and opened the lights where they could talk in private.

"Noonas! What are you really doing here?" Chanyeol asked as he began his walking around the room routine again, he does this frequently when he is panicking or when he can't get a hold of himself.

"You go twirl yourself there... just listen!" Bom pointed a finger to a worked up Chanyeol as she continued...

"The headmaster learned that we were home for the holidays and he invited us to at least attend the Charity Gala for the scholars of the school, he asked the two of us to perform... and since we were here already..." Bom trailed as Dara continued

"We decided to give you a visit and check up on your life here!"

"Noonas! No one knows you are my sisters!" Chanyeol reasoned out while grabbing his hair and continued to walk around the room

"Yah! Chaerin knows, doesn't she?!" Bom pointed out, that made Chanyeol stop from moving as he looked up at his sisters

"What? Have you realized that Chaerin is CL already?" Dara asked, Chanyeol just stared at his sister with his mout open

"So you have now... have you? It's about time you Giant you!" Dara uttered as he flicked Chanyeol's forehead which made him flinch and shout in pain as Bom joined in with the Park Family Beating/ LOVE-HATE relationship.

Then after a moment as the three Parks rolled on the floor with Chanyeol lying on his stomach while Bom pulled his left arm up and Dara pulled his right arm up...

"SSANG PARK?!" Kai and Sehun chorused while pointing towards the twins on the floor torturing their friend 


(In Kai and Sehun's mind... kekekeke)

"CL?!" Minji stated out of shock as she stared at the girl beside her who was hanging her head low.

(In Minji's mind"


mianhaeyo... that will only be my update for today...

i got worked up while watching WIN: WHO IS NEXT? WINNER.... TEAM A- my bias team...

although i am also rooting for TEAM B to debut in the near future together with TEAM A standing on the same stage... shouting out... YG FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY...

i am on a vacation and I just had to post this very short update before i forget the concept in my head...

enjoy and anticipate what will happen next...

comment down below...


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