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The girl's name is Dara... I should start calling her Dara-noona... because believe it or not... despite her youthful looks sshe is 10 years older than me!!! 10 years!!! OMG!!!

Father and Luhan-hyung has taken a liking to Dara-noona. The day they came back from their trip, Mother has already told them of Dara-noona and what they thought happened to her.

At first they thought that she was a slave... but then a slave wouldn't be educated as much as her. She is an expert in the field of arts... sculptures and paintings... boy, BAekhyun-hyung will like her... So Mother asked her if she could teach me Literature and Arts, since she has been looking for a replacement tutor for Baekhyun-hyung's place.

Noona agreed and every day, she would allow me to read her self-composed poems and she would teach me basics of painting and mostly for literature, philosophy...

She is really an admirable girl... although she is not a girl anymore... she is a woman already. I can't help but find her attractive and she is the basis of being a goddess: kind-hearted, calm, always looking so serene, peaceful. It's as if she doesn't get angry...

And one more thing... it seems like she can't speak... and she refuses to tell me where she got those scars and bruises from. Although I am really worried, she shows that she is really capable of protecting herself, she could throw me over a pile of haystack near the barn if she feels threatened... that frail body of hers has an immense strength.

I really couldn't believe that there is strength in her... I can't wait for her to meet Baekhyun-hyung... he is the manliest amongst us brothers and naturally, I want to see them fight!

We do sparrings and she always beat me... not that I allow her to win... of course, I am still a man, I want to protect my dignity as a man, but she really is a strong fighter... she must have gotten those bruises from fighting... but she refuses to tell me where she was from and where she got hurt.

We usually take strolls along the seashore... she seems to like it... she always stands near the rocks where I found her and just stares out at the ocean, closing her eyes, letting the wind blow through her hair.

I find her ethereal looking... it's as if she was not of this world... her eyes are mesmerizing, everything about her is very entrancing. Once you look into her eyes, it's like she is pulling you closer to her.

I have to admit, the first time I held her hand this beating heart of mine was trying to burst out of my chest. It's like I couldn't breathe... her mere presence takes my breath away. She was always my companion whenever I go to town, my mother and father feel very safe leaving me in her care... she has taken the role of being my tutor and bodyguard as well.

I have known noona for 2 years now and still no one claims to be her relative... and I have grown accustomed to her. I have grown comfortable with her. I can share with her my secrets and she will just smile at me.

We sometimes fall asleep talking to each other, well, mostly I do the talking she does the writing, if you know what I mean. I see her as someone I can be with for a long time... it's true... I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I like her... yes, I do... I do care for her and I wouldn't hesitate to make her life as safe as possible as she makes me feel safe as well.

During the 2 years I have known Dara, I have grown close to her that she insisted on dropping the formalities and just call her Dara... it was a breath of fresh air for me... it feels like she is not 28 years old to me... and I am not just a 20 year old boy compared to her. She listens to me and to my ideas... she supports my dreams and is always a constant companion of mine.

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