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Kai's Past...

Kai is born from a purebred clan of wolves. He was raised both by his mother and father and he was trained very well as a wolf. He was raised with love and care.

One night when he was out strolling in the forest near their camp where they set out for the night, a pack of wolves were also out at the forest, hunting for humans to eat even though it wasn't the full moon yet.

Since Kai was young at the age of 10 years old, he didn't know the rules yet about half breeds and pure breeds. This pack took notice of Kai and befriended him, little did he know that he was slowly being led to a lab full of other wolves used as test subjects for experiments.

The pack of wolves were genetically manipulated and were tested with other chemicals to make them stronger. Kai was abducted by the group and was tested upon by the others since he was a purebred there were alot of possibilities... blood was drawn out of him every now and then to test new chemicals with his body. This went on for 2 years of him being captured.

Kai's parents didn't stop to look for him, his scent was already masked by the different chemicals injected in him, every injection was rejected by his body, it was like his body was protecting foreign objects to intrude in his system.

Although the experiments didn't do him harm, it caused a haywire of an effect on him, in his system as a wolf. His parents located him and wiped out the entire pack of wolves who abducted their son.

The moon was about to rise in the night sky, and it was a full moon... Kai noticed that something was bursting to come out of him, he then transformed himself into a wolf and after transforming... he went crazy and out of control.

After a moment, when he got a hold of his self... he woke up with blood on his hands... and lying in front of him were the lifeless bodies of his parents.

He knew it was his own doing and he grabbed the bodies of his parents and buried them deep in the forest. He learned to live life on his own until he was 15 years old.

He was tired and hungry, he saw a black market for wolves, and he decided to sell his ownself in turn for food. That was where he met with Suho and the pack, that time it was only Suho, Lay and Kyungsoo.

Suho took notice of him and decided to take him in under his care. Kai told them of his situation. And then one night, Kai was going on his berserk mode, it was the first time the pack has witnessed it... Kai was all over the place, attacking Suho and Lay... Kyungsoo was the only one who could handle Kai in berserk mode, with his immense strength, he held Kai on his neck, careful not to break it as he held Kai in his place and wrapped his arms around him to control his berserk mode.

And since then, Lay studied Kai's tendencies and they saw a pattern to it. One or two days before the full moon Kai would go into berserk mode, and during those times, Kyungsoo would be with him in a walled place to contain himself until he comes back to normal.

When he turned 17 years old, he found his BEAUTY. He felt alive again and it was as if his life was normal again. His BEAUTY knew of his situation and she fully accepted him, loved him and cared for him. But their romance was short lived.

One night when Kai was out strolling along the river together with his BEAUTY, he had gone berserk and was out of control. He told his BEAUTY to run as far away as she can from him.

His BEAUTY ordered for him to stop but her words were of no use to him, he still had gone mad and went after her. Kai's BEAUTY was able to contact Kyungsoo, but when Kyungsoo got there it was already too late... Kai was in the far side of the river bank while his BEAUTY'S body was lying lifeless under a tree near Kyungsoo.

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