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Kris and Dara hurriedly sent Tao’s unconscious and weakened state back to the ship where Lay tended on his stabbed wound, while Dara gathered all that she need for Tao’s quick recovery medicine.

Lay already stitched Tao up and stopped it from bleeding, hoping that there were no major organs that was damaged and Tao’s body to recuperate fast.

Dara told D.O. what happened, which angered the Captain as he was ever more determined to get back at the Mermen for doing what they did to Tao, his First Mate, his best friend whom he considers his brother already.

“D.O. you need to go and seek proper help, Tao’s condition isn’t getting any better... you need to find a town where there is a surgeon to get a proper look at Tao’s condition!” Dara insisted

“I have one of the finest surgeons on board my ship... I don’t need anyone else... Lay’s judgment and work is enough!” D.O. uttered with determination to get back at who had done that to Tao.

“Yes, Lay is the best... but you don’t have the proper tools here D.O. he needs to rest... please... listen!” Dara pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears as D.O. already commanded his crew to prepare for battle.

Dara then decided to stay beside Tao and watch over him while the crew was busy checking out their guns and weapons.

Suho and Xiumin were left to watch over Tao and Dara and the ship as the rest of the crew went to hunt for the Mermen, despite all of Dara’s warnings and pleading, D.O. still decided to continue.

When the sun was about to rise, Tao finally regained consciousness, to find Dara sleeping soundly beside the bed where he was lying on.

“D-Dara...” Tao uttered as he lightly placed his left hand on Dara’s head.

Dara groaned as she felt movement and immediately woke up with wide eyes, looking at Tao.

“T-Tao... D.O. and the others went to go and look for Jaejoong and the others... I think he is going after them for a fight, because of what they did to you... I am worried for him, Tao” Dara uttered in a worried and shaky tone.

Tao tried to reach for her and hug her, but the moment he stretched his left arm for an embrace, he felt a pain in chest, he felt the bandage and saw a bit of blood coming out and staining the piece of cloth.

“Don’t move too much... they got you deep...” Dara uttered as she placed her hand lightly on top of his chest, Tao grabbed her hand and held on to it tightly while looking at Dara’s eyes intently.

They stared at each other for what seem like an eternity, until a knock on the door broke their trance.

“Dara-sshi... I brought you some breakfast” Suho stated slightly opening the door peeking and saw the two holding hands and looking at each other.

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