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The house is busy today, because tomorrow we are expecting a family of tourists. My parents signed up to host "A BEIJING FAMILY VISIT SUMMER TOUR", yipee... not!

I was counting on having a different summer, not babysitting foreigners! I had plans with my friends for our summer escapade!!! Soccer matches... online gaming tournament... camping and go swimming!!! But all of that was erased the moment my parents told me that we were hosting a Korean family for 3 days!

3 days less of my summer! ARGH! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I HATE IT! Why our family? Because our local Tourism office knew that I was learning Korean and its culture so they told me that it would also help me and all that... if I had known... they chose us because I can speak Korean so one less person to bother, no translator needed...AISH!!!

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against tourists or Koreans for that matter, heck... I am studying their language and their history and culture... I love that they show an interest in my country and in my place... but... you know... I am a 16 year old boy who only wants to enjoy my summer vacation!!!

"Hannie... you should sleep early... you have to go with your father tomorrow to fetch our guests in their hotel early in the morning!" my mother told me as she peeked inside my room checking that the guest room was neat and tidy and ready for its occupants.

"Yes you know if our guests have some kids with them?" I asked curious if I am only a translator or a babysitter also

"Um, according to what Mr. Cho sent me, they are just three, the parents and their DAUGHTER" my mother stressed the last word giving me a meaningful glance as she closed the door lightly

"Good night mama!" I said as I rolled my eyes upward.


so this is the teaser for my next short story...

it's gonna be Luhan and ... and unexpected pair from 2NE1...

I am sure you are going to be surprised...

but I hope you'll like it ^^

as for the additional chapter of CHAEKRIS... heheheheeh

that will be I think for next time...

give this story some chance

and if you love it... tell me all about it... down there

on the comments section thank you ^^


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