The Ring

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After a week of rain and heavy fog in Rose Wood as the weather cleared up Emily decided to meet Ellie. Emily and Ellie had been best friends since Ellie moved in next door when they were both four years of age now Emily and Ellie are both twenty-three. As Emily reached the coffee house, the regular place where the two best friends meet Emily saw a vintage store across street. She had never seen the store before so she assumed it opened the week it rained heavily being a curious lady she walked towards the store, the store looked quite packed from the outside. She was hyped as she loved vintage stuffs but as she entered she noticed not even a single soul was there. It looked rusty and dusty within, it didn't look like a new store she was quite disappointed.

"Dusty and old" she exhaled at that very moment an old man with a long brown beard appeared out of nowhere, she nearly screamed in horror as she didn't expect anyone to be there but controlled herself after all it was just an old man.

"Hello fair lady, anything I could help you with?" He asked gently.

"Actually no, I was just window shopping" she replied smilingly. She walked towards the shelves and observed the stuffs in and around, there was thousands of things from old books to rag dolls and mirrors, art, vinyl cds and other stuffs she had never seen. As fifteen minutes passed by she thought of moving out as Ellie would be already waiting for her but as she was walked towards the door an old wooden box caught her eyes, she picked up the box and carefully examined it. It was old and dusty but beautiful with carvings she had never seen before she decided to buy it as she could keep her accessories in there, she loves collecting them.

"How much for the wooden box?" Emily asked.

" It would cost 5 dollars my dear" the old man said.

"I'll take it" Emily said and payed the old man. She was happy she got the box from 5 dollars, she thought it was quite a bargain being born as the only child to her rich parents she had everything she ever wished for 5 dollars was nothing for her. As she walked out of the door she saw Ellie was already waiting for her at their regular table.

"Hello El" Emily said trying to catch her breath.

"Hi Em" replied Ellie with a smile, they asked for their regular cinnamon coffee with chocolate doughnut.

"So Em, how have you been?" Ellie asked.

"Good and happy because now the rain is gone" Emily chuckled.

"So how are you and Travis?" Ellie smirked.

"On a roller coaster ride" Emily chuckled. Emily have been with Travis for the past 7 years, the only love she knew was Travis. Travis and Emily were introduced when they were ten by their fathers who were business partners as well as best friends. When they started dating their parents were more thrilled then they were, everyone said they had a bright future together but that wasn't true as they grew up they began to drift apart and as Travis moved to the city to help his dad with the family business things became worse. After their coffee and small talks the two best friends headed towards Emily house.

"What's that box in your hand?" Asked Ellie.

"It's a new collection to my boxes" smiled Emily. Ellie knew that Emily was a huge spender from shoes to bags to accessories whatever Emily desired she got it but Ellie was never envious of her rich best friend because Emily had a loving heart and she treated Ellie family as her own. Ellie remembered on her 16 birthday party how Emily's parents brought her a car as Ellie parents couldn't afford a car for her. Ellie was forever grateful to Emily's family for their gratitude towards them. As they reached Emily's bedroom, Emily dusted the box and opened it. It had an old rag of purple clothing inside.

"Ewww" yelled Emily and threw the clothing into the dustbin at that very moment something fell "what was that?" Emily asked.

"I don't know" replied Ellie.

"I guess it fell under my bed" Emily said. Ellie kneeled down and picked it up, it was an old dusty ring. Emily took it and wondered whom it belong to but as she washed it she saw that it was no ordinary ring but a ring made of white gold.

"It's beautiful" Emily squeaked as she tried the ring on her fingers but it was big for her.

"Well I can wear it like a pendant around my neck" she said and put it on her necklace.

"How do I look?" She asked.

"Beautiful" smiled Ellie "but don't you think you should return it?" She asked.

"Well I know I should but hey! Don't forget we have our camping trip tomorrow. We don't want to be late so let's return it after the trip" Emily replied.

"Okay sure let's do that, I gotta go now see you tomorrow" Ellie said as she left. Emily was already very excited to go on the camping trip as she have never been to one as she happily laid down on her bed she thought of travis for a while and tried to find the reason why they are drifting so much apart but she couldn't.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now