An escape

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"Are you a thief" joked Emily as Roland came in.

"Please try to lower your voice my lady" Roland whispered as he sat on the bed beside Ellie and told them his plan of how they would escape the next morning to lake town and on the way he have kept supplies "won't the guards notice we are missing?" Ellie asked in doubt.

"No, they won't I'll just tell them I'm taking you both out for a tour only when we don't return at sun down they would notice something went wrong and by that time we would be in lake town and the guards can't come after us they have to first send word to lord Legolas and only after that they would hunt us down, a week would pass by and by that time you would be on the mountains safe from the guards" Roland replied.

"How can we thank you enough?" Emily asked.

"It's my pleasure to help two young maidens in despair, I don't want anything in return" Roland smiled. Emily came to know the love of an elf from the way Roland spoke, she began to fear the wrath of Legolas upon Roland. "Will you be okay after we leave?" Emily asked worried.

"I'll be my lady" Roland comforted Emily but she couldn't fully belief Roland because the words of Tim were coming to her mind, I should go and talk to Tim properly he would know Emily thought. Roland left after their small talk and the ladies sunk into their bed Emily felt guilty for everything, she felt like she betrayed Legolas and he would never forgive her. For the first time in her life her heart ached with deep sorrow as she felt asleep in tears back in her world Travis loves her but he judged her for her flaws and insecurity, Travis was a well mannered business man now and he always wanted Emily to be like him but Emily wasn't she loved adventure and sports and in these seven years of her relationship she remembered how much she had changed for Travis but when she came to this world no one judged her and Legolas accepted her the way she was and he loved her for her unique personality. I can never forgive myself for what I've done to Legolas Emily thought as she slept off.

The next morning as soon as she woke up she took a bath and got ready for breakfast Ellie was still yawning when she said "you are in a hurry to escape" seeing that Emily was all geared up. Emily giggled but her heart was heavy, they walked towards the dining hall and had a heart filling breakfast after that they met Roland to head out for the woods. Emily carried her back pack and the sun flowers in her hand which Legolas gave her, it didn't wither a bit it must be magical she thought. Roland talked to the guards in their elvish tongues and the three set off, it was a long walk down the river it was already noon when they sat down to have lunch which Roland had brought and after five hours of walk they finally reached the end of the river. "I'm so tired" Emily growled as she sat down on a rock.

"I can't feel my legs" Ellie complained.

"The Sun will be setting in a hour, we need to find a boat to cross the river it's not safe here" Roland said as he walked away looking for a boat. The ladies nodded as they sat on the rock waiting for him to return they were exhausted but then a tall man appeared before them. Ellie screamed as she wasn't expecting anyone in the woods and he took her by surprise "Hello ladies" the man said with a smile.

"Hi" replied Emily catching her breath she wasn't scared as she has already noticed the man walking towards them from the start.

"What are you ladies doing in this forest alone?" He asked "We are not alone" Ellie replied but Roland was out of sight.

"We need to go to lake town" Emily said standing up.

"I am from lake town I can take you there, I'm Bard" he came forward and shook Emily's hand.

"I'm Emily and this is my best friend Ellie" Emily said with a smile, Brad shook Ellie's hands too.

"You two might be the same age as my elder daughter" he said as he directed them to his boat.

"Excuse me Bard but we have no money to pay you" Ellie said.

"It's okay, I'm happy to help it don't matter" Bard smiled "We have a friend with us too" Emily said looking out for Roland.

"Which friend?" Bard asked confused as he can see only the two ladies at that very moment Roland came out from the bushes "I went looking for a boat but you ladies found one" he said happily.

"Aren't you the chief of king's thranduil army?" Bard asked in suspicion.

"Yes, I'm and I'm with the ladies they are lord thranduil's guests" replied Roland. Bard suspicion grew as he heard that but he didn't want to question them anymore because the sun was going down and it wasn't safe in the woods.

"Let's get in the boat we can talk later" Roland said as they all got into the boat and sailed on. The sun have set and it was dark Emily explained everything to Bard from where she came and why they escaped the castle of the king but she left the part of Legolas behind "I'd love to help you ladies out because as the prophecy says the treasure of our men lies in that mountain and even we have a share on it" Bard said happily, Emily thanked him.

"I should thank you instead my lady" Bard said as they headed towards lake town. It was a very old town guarded by guards, it was in the middle of the lake and as Legolas said it stink of fish and oil everything looked so old. Emily wondered how the town did not sink still but she kept her thoughts to herself because Bard might get offended, it was his home town so.

"Welcome to lake town" Bard welcomed them as he talked to the gate keeper and they entered the town. It was such a tight and suffocating town Ellie thought. At that moment the elves in the castle were worried the sun was already down and the chief and the ladies didn't return five armed elves went to every direction looking for them as for Emily and Ellie they were going to be guests at Bard's house along with Roland. Bard had a son and two daughters they welcomed their father with warm hugs. Bard introduced his kids to their guests the eldest daughter was Anna, the second was his son mike and the third was his daughter Luna.

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