Return of the dwarves

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Emily couldn't sleep that night she twisted and turned from one side to the other while Legolas laid wide awake thinking of what Emily told him in the stairs, he was on the sofa opposite to Emily's bed. He could see her turning right and left and he assumed she was just dreaming as he kept staring at her until he noticed that Roland got up and left. Where is he going in the middle of the night Legolas thought. Roland walked out as soon as he heard the sound of a bell, he knew the dwarves had return from their journey. He walked up to the dock where the dwarves were unloading their stuffs "Hello there" he yelled as the dwarves turned and saw him, their faces lighted up.

"Hi chief, what brings you here?" Joe asked.

"The lady is here isn't she?" Tim asked in excitement.

"Yes, she is" replied Roland. All the dwarves faces glowed with happiness at the sound of their lady in lake town.

"Where is she?" Sam asked as he walked towards Roland.

"She's asleep now" Roland replied.

"We can all meet her in the morning then" Tim said happily.

"Yes, we would" the others yelled.

"I wanted to ask a favour from you Tim, that's why I'm here" Roland said.

"Yes, chief what's it?" Tim questioned as they sat down on a log.

"I'm afraid I'm asking too much of you dwarves but this is for the safety and protection of my prince" Roland replied.

"What's the matter with your prince?" Tim asked curiously.

"I'm afraid he has fallen hard for the lady" Roland gasped.

"I knew it from the start" Tim replied.

"Even though he had fallen for her they can never be together and she's on the hunt for the portal, orcs are after her as the news of the ring have spread. I can't let my prince die in a battle with the orcs because even if he loves her truly she would leave and it would break him eventually so she have to journey with you all unnoticed by the prince, I'll help too" Roland said and hoped Tim would agree.

"I know you do this for the safety of your prince but if he comes to know about it he would kill you, do you know that?" Tim questioned in horror.

"He nearly killed me once but my lady saved me and this time he would kill me for sure but I can't let my lord die in a battle with the orcs, I serve my lord in life and in death and if it pays with my life to let him live I would" Roland said.

"But you know if she's leaves what would be of your lord" Tim gasped.

"I know really well master dwarf but I can't stop the lady from leaving its her will and I know she would leave" Roland said silently.

As Roland left and the dwarves headed home Legolas was outside waiting for him "Where did you go?" Legolas questioned suspiciously.

"I went for a walk my lord" Roland gulped.

"I feel like you are lying to me" Legolas said in suspicion.

"Why would I my lord, I couldn't sleep so I thought of taking a walk" Roland lied.

"You know I spared your life once because of the lady but twice don't even think about it" Legolas threatened.

"I won't my lord" he bowed his head.

"Good or else I'm running out of patience" Legolas said as he walked away. As soon as he sat on the sofa he noticed Emily's bed was empty, he got up and searched for her but she wasn't there "Roland you know where the lady is?" Legolas questioned.

"I don't, my lord" Roland replied in confusion as he wasn't expecting Emily to disappear in the middle of the night without a word.

"She's not here we have to look for her" Legolas called as they went looking for her. At the mean time Emily was with the dwarves at their house "My lady how did you know we have reached?" Tim asked as he went and hugged her.

"I heard the sound of the bell" she smiled.

"I thought you were sleeping?" Tim asked.

"I wasn't and I sneaked out" Emily chuckled.

"The prince would be looking for you" Joe said.

"I saw him went out and as soon as he did from the back door I came out looking for you all" Emily giggled "And I even saw Roland leaving" Emily said.

"That's another story, let's not talk about it now" Tim replied as he began to pour hot tea on her mug.

"Thank you, Tim" she smiled as she told them all about her journey from Mirkwood till lake town and how long she waited for them.

"We are so sorry my lady but we got caught up in a storm" Will said as Lock happily explained to her about their travels and the goods they brought.

"It's almost dawn now and I'm tired and sleepy" Joe said as he got up the stairs. Emily was yawning now, Legolas walked in "we were looking all over for you" he sounded disappointed.

"Did I ask you to look for me" Emily said in annoyance.

"We are leaving now" Legolas exhaled.

"But I don't want to" Emily replied.

"You don't get it do you, you are in danger" Legolas gasped. Emily didn't pay any attention to his words and sunk into the sofa "I'd carry you if I've to" Legolas said as he came forward.

Emily slapped off his hands "don't touch me I can walk" she growled walking out the front door where Roland was standing.

"Humans and their emotions I don't get it" Legolas whispered to Roland. As they reached home Emily sunk into her bed in deep slumber it was almost mid-day when she woke up. Anna brought her a cup of hot tea "Thank you" she smiled as she accepted the tea. She saw Legolas staring at her from the other side.

"He hasn't left your sight you know, he kept on staring at you from the moment we woke up" Anna said " he out of his mind" Emily whispered.

"The love of an elf is very hard to find and impossible to break as the legends say" Anna smiled and walked away. What was happening with her and Legolas Emily just can't explain it, she was totally lost in confusion.

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