The great mountain

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"Emily" Ellie squeaked in joy as she ran towards her and hugged her tightly. Everyone came and surrounded her the dwarves hugged her and Tim kissed her head.

"We were all very worried" Roland said as he sat down beside her.

"Why, what happened?" Emily asked tiredly as she sunk into Legolas shoulder not knowing what they were talking about.

"You lost a lot of energy out there my lady and I'm afraid, the power of the ring would restore only after a day or two" Gandalf said as he lit his pipe. The only thing Emily wanted to do that very moment was to go back to sleep "It's almost sundown, I think we should camp out here tonight" Legolas said as he rubbed Emily's back gently.

"I guess you are right, we all are exhausted from the fight" Gandalf said as he looked up at the night sky. The dwarves and the elves got busy making fire and preparing for dinner.

"What exactly happened?" Emily asked as she placed her head upon Ellie's lap.

"You don't remember a thing?" Ellie questioned quite surprised.

"I don't even remember what we are doing now" Emily rubbed her head in pain. Ellie explained to her about the orcs and how she used the ring to extent her shield and how she and Gandalf killed the orcs together. Wow! Emily thought looking at Gandalf.

"And you know the best part?" Ellie asked.

"I wish I knew, but I've no memory at the moment" Emily tried to laugh but was so tired.

"Legolas carried you all the way without halt, he didn't even say a word but he kept on walking. We told him to keep you upon nimbus but he didn't" Ellie smiled, Emily heart sank as she heard it 'wow really' she thought to herself.

"Dinners ready" Tim announced as he brought two bowls filled with loaves, cheese and potatoes.

"Thank you" they both said as Emily got up and sat on the grass.

"Where's Legolas?" Emily asked as she noticed he was no where to be seen.

"He went searching for water with Roland" Ellie replied "Dinner smells delicious" Emily chuckled.

"Yes, it does let's dig in" Ellie said as they began to hog "Can I have more please?" Emily asked as she lifted her bowl up.

"Sure" Joe smiled as he brought more for the two ladies "You both eat like hobbits" he laughed.

"Hobbits?" Ellie questioned curiously.

"They are simple folks, who live in the shire" Gandalf chuckled "I wish I could meet them" Emily shrugged "Maybe one day you will" Gandalf smiled. Legolas and Roland walked up to the ladies with a bottle "fresh water anyone?" Roland asked.

"Sure" Ellie snatched the bottle.

"Don't be so rough" Roland chuckled as Ellie sipped from the bottle.

"I see you are better now" Legolas smiled as he sat besides Emily.

"Yes, I'm" she smiled back "Dinner?" She asked showing him her bowl.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now