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"Your majesty" Emily and Ellie bowed down their heads, I hope we are doing this right Emily thought we are not of this world. Thranduil got down from his throne and came forward "It's my pleasure to meet you both in person" he said. His voice sounded so important and mighty as a king should sound. 'Wow...this is a true king' Emily thought.

"So tell me what you wish for?" He asked.

"I wish to go back home" Emily replied, he then came forward and took the ring in his hand.

"Do you know this ring belonged to one of our elven queen?" He asked.

"No, I don't" replied Emily cluelessly.

"The elf queen had only one son whom she loved dearly, the elf King died when the son was born in a battle with the orcs of the north during those times the queens and kings of elves had mighty powers as they were the first decentdents of the elves and she gave her immortality to make this ring for her son that one day when in battle he would wish to the ring and he would return to his mother instead of dying like his father. The ring had great powers in it that the son never knew and on his journey way back home to meet his dying mother he lost it when an Orc pack attacked him and his men but he survived and was able to meet his dying mother but the ring was lost forever" thranduil said silently.

"But if it got lost how did it got to my world?" Emily asked in confusion.

"That we would never know but it's in your destiny to find it and bring it back, thousand of years ago our forefathers foretold the future in which a mortal would bring back the ring and it would unlock the treasure of men, dwarves and elves. The treasure that was lost long ago in the battle with the orcs" thranduil said.

"If the ring ever reached the orcs they would use it for the wrong purposes so maybe the ring found a way to escape this world and reached yours" gasped thranduil. Emily couldn't understand this legend but the only thing she wanted was to go home.

"So, how will I get back home?" Emily asked.

"On a full moon the ring shines, if you are able to reach the great mountains before the last day of autumn and you are able to open the door of the great mountain, there you would find the treasures as well as a magical stone which will open the portal back to your world but if you are will have to wait for the next autumn" thranduil said.

"I can't wait much longer, I've to move as soon as I can and find the portal back to my home" Emily said.

"But I want to know how the treasure and this ring connects to one another?" Asked Ellie.

"Excellent question...during the start of civilization men, dwarves and elves lived together under one king. All their treasures are kept under the state treasury that only the royal family could open, after the King's death only the queen knew how to open it but before she could tell her son the secret she died. The ring was the only thing which could guide the son but he lost it and with that the secret to the treasure got lost and years later men, dwarves and elves began to go their own way but people who could read the stars foretold the prophecy of a mortal bringing the ring back everyone waited eagerly for that day until centuries passed we all began to lose hope until you both showed up" thranduil smiled.

After their hearty talk with the king Ellie and Emily took his leave. Ellie left with Roland and Emily went towards the great hall to meet her dwarf friends there she explained to them about the prophecies and what she had to do. The dwarves were simple merchants from lake town but offered Emily their help in search of the treasure and the portal Emily was quite pleased. As they were talking Tim noticed Legolas staring at them from one of the balcony upstairs "Can I talk to you for a while?" Asked Tim.

"For sure" Emily smiled.

"Did you talk to the elf Prince?" He asked.

"Yes, I did" Emily smiled.

"I noticed the way he looked at you" Tim said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Emily.

"I just want to be honest with you my lady but elf's they can love only one and only once in their life time and they are immortal" Tim said slowly.

"What are you trying to say here?" Emily asked.

"I think the elf Prince have found a liking for you" answered Tim.

"Is that bad?" Emily questioned .

"I don't want to say this to you but yes, it is because you are not of this world and you are a mortal" Tim replied "What does that have to do with anything?" Emily folded her arms.

"If he falls for you, he would love you forever an elf heart can never be changed and if you leave it would kill him" Tim said silently, Emily froze. Legolas was right behind Tim.

"Oh hi!" Emily said awkwardly.

"Can, I borrow you for sometime?" asked Legolas.

"Sure" said Emily walking towards him, she acted as if nothing was wrong with a big smile on her face.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" She asked.

"I wanted to show you something instead come with me" Legolas called as he walked towards a flight of stairs, Emily followed. After Tim's talk Emily was quite freaked out about everything but she thought how could an elf Prince love her, she had nothing in this world and she was a mortal. An ordinary mortal and an elf Prince can't be together, Tim was just pouring out his imagination to scare her off as dwarves don't like elves she comforted herself.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now