Back to Rose wood

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A week has passed by as the two best friends reached rose wood "I thought I'd never see you again, where were you? I wasn't even allowed to meet you after you came back as the authority told me to give you a break" Travis stormed into Emily's room. She saw her boyfriend for almost seven years after she returned from the other world and she knew that very moment that the spark was gone she felt nothing at all, he was just a figure that appeared in her room.

"Aren't you happy to see me not even a hug or a kiss?" He questioned in despair. Emily was annoyed that he didn't ask her how she was? What she have been through? Instead he stormed into her room and began to ask for hugs and kisses she looked away trying to avoid eye contact.

"This is really annoying I tell you, you got lost and after you return you and Ellie aren't giving any explanations to anyone it's like you both ran away just for fun and then returned" Travis was outraged. Emily wasn't even listening to him she was so focused on the ring on her finger the one Legolas gave her. She didn't even care what Travis was up to, she couldn't belief Travis was acting that way it was like their love was fading away with time. Travis stood in front of her "are you even listening?" He yelled in anger.

"What do you want?" She questioned.

"This is how you decide to reply after all the mess you have done? Do you know I left my works and came to rose wood searching for you after your dad informed my father you went missing" he said in anguish. She never saw Travis reacting this way, she couldn't belief what she was hearing.

"You left for the city it's been three years now, we only meet during the holidays and this year I'm seeing you for the first time and this is how you yell at me? You didn't even ask me how was I? Or am I okay? It was like you came here just to put out your anger on me, do you remember the times when you couldn't even scold me if I did wrong but after you went to the city you changed you hardly call me up one day a week and even when you did you never talk to me like you did before" Emily said slowly.

"Oh wow! You got lost came back and then when I came all the way from the city to look for you, you say this? I've spend two weeks in this town for you. Do you know how much I've sacrificed for you? How many works I've to do you cant even imagine you don't work Em. You just sit here enjoy life spend your parents money that's all even if my dad is rich I still work I don't sit idle like you" he yelled. Emily couldn't belief Travis just said that, she has been taking courses for the past two years and designing her own clothes she was working hard too to be a designer but Travis thought only of what he was doing and not thinking of what she was doing.

"That's why I didn't want to talk to you, you always look at yourself you think you are so important, you think everything revolves around you, you don't see anything except yourself Travis you have changed" Emily outraged and walked out from her room, she left the house in tears. Travis ran after her but couldn't catch her as she reached Ellie's Place, Ellie was at the porch swinging "Em" she yelled as she hugged her tightly.

"I missed you" they both said with tears in their eyes as they went inside the kitchen Ellie made peanut butter and jelly sandwich with coffee. Emily told Ellie everything of how Travis behaved and how much he has changed now "He's not the same person I fell in love with, he's different now" Emily said sadly.

"Em, I never told you this but I'm saying this now Travis is not right for you, you two have known each other for almost forever and that's why you feel it is meant to be but it isn't. I know he loves you but he don't understand you, he wants a different you Em not the person you are now he wants a person who is exactly like him and you are not" Ellie said. Emily thought about what Ellie said maybe Ellie is right, she did change a lot for Travis but it was not enough for him it was like Travis wanted a new version of her a version she didn't want to become.

The two ladies slept at Ellie's house that night Emily showed Ellie the ring Legolas gave her, the one she wore on her ring finger "It's beautiful Em, it's nothing like I've ever seen" Ellie smiled.

"I wish I knew what Legolas was up to now" Emily said under her breath.

"I feel the same way about Roland" Ellie gasped.

"This world seems boring after that world you know" Emily giggled. 

"I was thinking the same" Ellie laughed as the two best friends hugged each other in laughter. The next day as Emily and Ellie reached Emily's place Mrs woods gave Emily a big surprise "The car you always wanted" Mrs wood squeaked as she walked and hugged Emily.

"Thanks mom, it's beautiful" Emily said quite suspiciously it wasn't even her birthday why was her mother gifted her an expensive car.

"Another surprise for you my darling daughter your dad is making you the official heir of his company tonight and there's going to be a big party" Mrs wood squeaked in excitement.

"What mom are you serious?" Emily questioned.

"Yes, I'm after your return we thought we should do this for you since you are our only daughter" Mrs wood smirked. Emily grew very suspicious of what happened to her parents they knew she wanted to be a designer not the CEO of her father's company. On the other hand Mrs wood and mr wood made this decision because they thought it would be the best if their daughter started helping in the family business because they feared her silence. They feared something bad happened to her or maybe she ran away from home, they thought of all things which really scared them.

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