The night at Mirkwood

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It was a long flight of stairs and Emily was already tired she felt like she was walking the whole day since morning "Where are we going?" She finally asked breaking the silence.

"To the mountain top" Legolas replied.

"Can I sit here for a while" Emily said holding her breath "If your tired I can carry you" chuckled Legolas.

"Oh no...thank you" she replied as she sat down on the stairs almost blushing. Legolas sat beside her, she saw him properly for the very first time just like his father he had blue eyes but his face was kind and he was way more handsome than any men she had ever seen, there was something about him which she couldn't describe in words.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked sheepishly.

"Because I've never seen ears like that" Emily lied pointing at his elvish ears.

"They are elvish unlike humans we hear better" Legolas chuckled.

"Let's get going" Emily said standing up.

"I thought you were tired" Legolas smirked.

"I rested enough" she said walking as fast as she could leaving Legolas behind.

"What's the hurry?" he asked confusingly. Emily didn't answer she couldn't understand why she felt nervous when Legolas stared at her.

Legolas caught up to her "you are funny" he said.

"Are we there yet?" Emily asked trying her best not to look at him as she felt her ears getting warm.

"Just that left turn and we are" Legolas lead the way. He opened a huge wooden door and they were out on the top of the mountain.

"Wow! I've never seen anything like this" Emily said as she looked up and saw thousands of stars above them. The mountain top had trees that made natural benches to sit on, it was covered with soft grass and beautiful flowers.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" Emily said smiling unable to hold her happiness.

"I'm glad you loved it" Legolas smiled. Emily layed down on the grass and looked up upon the stars. There were so many, she have never seen stars like that the beauty cannot be expressed she thought.

Then she remembered on her 19th birthday how her boy friend Travis took her to a hill top for a picnic and that night she saw stars covering up the sky. She wondered how things between them changed from bad to good, now she didn't even know if they were together because they love each other or together for the sake of being together.

"What's the matter you look lost?" Legolas asked.

"Just missing home" Emily gasped, Legolas was silent he was standing at the edge and looking out at the far mountains of the north. "Aren't you afraid of heights?" Emily asked.

"I fear nothing" Legolas smirked.

"You are a liar aren't you" Emily chuckled.

"Come here, I'll show you something" Legolas called her "I ain't coming near the edge, I'm scared of heights" Emily yelled. She sat on the branch of a short tree and looked around this place is truly magical she thought, Legolas came and sat beside her. To break the silence Emily asked "so do you have a girlfriend?"

"What's that?" Legolas asked puzzled. I'm being so stupid out here Emily thought how can these elves know about girlfriend and boyfriend and relation they only get straight to marriage I guess.

"I mean do you love anyone? Do you have someone in your life?" Emily asked and she felt so stupid.

"Well, I don't do you?" Legolas asked.

"In my world I do have someone" Emily said.

Legolas looked towards the north and asked "well who is he?"

"His name is Travis, we have been together for 7 years" she said.

"Well, that's a short time in the life of an elf" Legolas said "But a very long one in the life of men" Emily laughed.

"Its been a thousand year and it's funny how I never found someone" Legolas chuckled.

"Thousand years?" Emily stood up in shock.

"Life of elves you men will never know" Legolas smiled.

"Well you are a prince there would be hundreds of elves, men and dwarves after you" Emily smirked.

"Elves can't fall in love easily" Legolas said. There was a long silence and then he said "and it's forbidden for an elf to fall for anyone but it's own kind" Emily felt awkward after asking such silly questions "I heard men could change their hearts?" Legolas asked.

"Men hearts can't be tamed" Emily laughed "It's late, I'm tired" she yawned.

"Let's go then" Legolas said leading the way. As she reached her bedroom Ellie was already on the bed waiting for her.

"So what were you up to?" Ellie asked.

"Nothing much" Emily said.

"I know you were with the prince" Ellie smirked.

"Were you spying on me?" Emily joked.

"I saw you two up the stairs" Ellie giggled.

"That means you were with Roland" Emily grinned as they both chuckled then they talked about what actually happened when the other one was absent.

"It's like a beautiful dream" Ellie said as she sunk into her bed.

"It is a beautiful dream" Emily said.

"Are you falling for the prince?" Ellie asked.

"It's forbidden for elves to fall for men" Emily said.

"But it's not forbidden for men to fall for elves" Ellie smirked. They sunk in deep slumber that night, after they left their world they never slept like that.

The next morning they woke up by the sound of an she-elf "good morning" she wished them with a smile "Good morning" they both yawned.

"I wish I could sleep more" Emily said rolling on her bed "My ladies you have breakfast with the king, you don't want to be late" the she-elf said as soon as they heard that, they both jumped out of their bed got ready and headed towards the dining hall. A massive breakfast was laid in front of them the dwarves were already in their seats when the two ladies reached they all wished them "Good morning" smilingly.

"Good morning" they both replied, Ellie sat next to Sam and Emily sat next to Ellie.

"I hope you ladies had a sound sleep?" Tim asked.

"Yes" they both replied still yawning.

"This is going to be a magnificent feast" Tim said.

A bell rang that very moment it was no ordinary bell it sounded like streams of water flowing and it was like music to their ears. The door of the dinning hall opened and two guards came forward behind them was the king himself dressed in silver and white with his silver tiara and Legolas followed him.

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