The great door

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"Where's Legolas?" Questioned Gandalf.

"He was here some minutes ago" replied Roland.

"You know where he is?" Ellie asked Emily. Emily didn't answer she just looked down on the grass as tears filled her eyes, they knew what went wrong so they didn't question her anymore.

"I'll go and call him back" Gandalf said.

"I'll go instead" Roland insisted as he ran towards the wood, Ellie comforted Emily as the company waited for Legolas.

"I know why you did what you did" Gandalf said looking at Emily. As Roland reached the place where Legolas was sitting he noticed that his lord was broken he have never seen him that way ever.

"My lord Legolas" he called.

Legolas didn't turn he was looking far away. "It's not in my place to say this but I know what happened and I'm sorry but belief me my lord, she did what she thought was right" Roland gasped. Legolas looked at him, Roland noticed Legolas was hurt but he didn't show him.

"I don't know what you say" Legolas looked away.

"My lord, I know how she really feels for you" Roland said slowly. Legolas didn't say a word as the silence grew between them Roland had no choice but to utter the truth.

"Me and Ellie do talk about you both sometimes during that time Ellie told me that the lady do feel for you strongly but she's afraid to show it not because she don't want to but because she know it's never meant to be men and elves and she's not of this world she would have to leave one day and she didn't want to give you false hope or break your heart. The only thing she wants for you is to be happy and to forget her and move on she thinks if she do something that upset you, you would walk away from her" Roland spoke slowly.

"Why? she have to do all these I don't get it, I'd never get over her doesn't she know that" Legolas gasped with a broken heart.

"They are humans my lord they don't get it, they live on by what they think is right.....we can't blame them we are different" Roland said confidently.

"I never thought about that Roland, you are right I should have reasoned but my emotions clouded my judgement. I never felt this way before I'm sorry for losing myself" Legolas looked at Roland.

"My lord, I feel you but we should leave now the company awaits" Roland smiled.

"Yes, we should" Legolas stood up and walked towards the clearing.

"There you are my lord we thought we lost you" Tim joked "An elf never gets lost" Legolas smirked.

"We should move now, we have been here for long" Gandalf said as he guided the way. The way after the clearing was rocky and steep the ladies walked on foot because they didn't want nimbus to carry them in such heights. Nimbus carried their baggages and he walked proudly with Gandalf, the dwarves walked behind them. Emily and Ellie walked behind the dwarves. Legolas, Roland and the four elves walked behind the ladies. Emily and Legolas didn't talk the whole journey, they halted after a three hour hike to the top "let's rest here for a while after that we will be going down and then taking a right turn towards the great door" Gandalf said.

"This was the toughest part of the journey" Emily said as she tried to catch her breath.

"I might faint" Ellie growled.

Roland pulled Ellie to his side that very moment "we should give sometime to the lady and my lord" he whispered as he grabbed her hand walking away towards the company with her.

"The main problem here is, I don't know what we will be telling the world when we get back home" Emily exhaled as she turned around thinking she was talking to Ellie, then she realized that Ellie wasn't there and Legolas was standing right behind her "Oh! I didn't see you there" she said trying her best to keep her cool.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted before" Legolas apologized as he looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry instead, Legolas" she said looking at him.

He smiled "it's okay, I shouldn't have pushed you that far".

"I don't know how to react but if I were in your place I'd have outraged, I'm so thankful you forgave me" Emily chuckled.

"I can't hold a grudge against you my lady" Legolas smiled "That's the sweetest thing, I've ever heard" Emily said as she hugged him tight. Legolas happiness knew no bound for the first time Emily came forward and hugged him Legolas hugged her back tightly "I feel like I can't breathe" she chuckled.

"I wish I had this moment for life" he smiled as he let her go.

"We should be moving" Gandalf yelled picking up his staff as the company moved forward Emily saw the steep way down.

"Oh my gosh! I can't it's so steep" she shook in terror "You don't have to worry, I'm here with you" Legolas smiled as he hold her hand.

"Hold me tightly, okay" she hesitated.

"I will" he chuckled. With Legolas she felt so safe she didn't fear the great heights and the steepness of the great Mountain. After an hour of walk down they took the right path of the mountain and by sun down they reached the great door. It was hidden under reeds and bushes full of mosses.

"Where's the door?" Ellie asked in confusion.

"It's here, we have to wait for the moonlight" Gandalf said as he sat down lighting his pipe. The company were buzzing about the treasures inside the mountain everyone was exited except for Legolas, Roland, Ellie and Emily because for the four lovers their journey was coming to an end.

As the clouds began to clear up and the stars began to glitter the moon shone brightly down at the great mountain. Slowly Emily's ring began to shine she picked it up and stretched it towards the great door as Gandalf came forth and stood next to her everyone saw that the great door glowed "Say the word" Gandalf whispered.

"The ring would find my love" as Emily spoke they heard a tremendous sound of rocks cracking and in a wink the door opened by itself as if it was waiting for that moment, everyone was in awe as they walked into the great door.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now