The woods

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"Good morning sunshine" mom greeted as she walked into the room and opened the curtains to let the sunshine in. Emily was still rolling on her bed when her mom walked in "Good morning" she replied yawningly. It was already 6am in the morning and she had to leave by 7am as she saw the time she jumped out of her bed in horror and got straight into her bathroom.

"Gosh! I'm so late" she complained. It was already 6:30am when she came out, to her surprise her maid had done all the packings and the only thing Emily had to do now is have her breakfast and wait for the RV "thank you Dina" Emily smiled as she dug into her plate. Dina served Mr and Mrs Wood for almost 20 years now even though the Wood's had other helpers, Dina was their favorite. She was in her 40's and she pledged to serve the Wood family till her very last breath. Emily was very found of Dina born as an only child she was very close to her and considered her more as a sisterly figure than a maid.

As the RV reached her gate Emily yelled "mom! dad I've to leave" and picked up her leather back pack. Her handbag was carried by Dina till the RV. Mr and Mrs Wood came till the RV and hugged their daughter "Have fun"they both said as they kissed her cheeks "you are embarrassing me" Emily said under her breath at that very moment Ellie got down from the RV and hugged her best friend and they both got into the RV and waved one last goodbye to the Wood's.

"Finally camping" Emily cheered as she hugged her friends who were in the RV. There were five of them going on a campaign trip along with the RV driver. Tiffany, Lucy and Aria were the other three friends who have come forward for this camping trip. The wood cabin in which the girls would be spending their week belonged to Tiffany's dad. Tiffany Wood was the first cousin of Emily Wood, Tiffany's dad and Emily's dad are brothers as for Lucy she was from city looking for a good time in Rose wood for the summer and Aria was Tiffany's best friend from college. It was a long 3 hour ride but the girls were singing and dancing and making the most of it. As they reached their destination they all got down in awe except for Tiffany who had been there a couple of times before. It was not any ordinary cabin in the woods but it was an enormous two floored wooden cabin with huge Modern Windows. The interior was well furnished with two fire place, a snooker table, a large LED tv and even it's very own mini bar. From the common room one can see an enormous swimming pool and behind it was the view of the lake, the lake was glittering in the sun.

Everyone was so excited as they got their own rooms, it was a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom cabin but Emily and Ellie decided to be roommates as they enjoyed each other company a lot. Emily took out her cellphone from her backpack but as she thought it would be, there was no service.

"Welcome to the jungle" she complained as Ellie began to laugh after a while they both headed to the dinning room where the girls had lunch. They didn't have to cook because a chef and a butler was already there at their service.

"Life of rich kids" Ellie said under her breath.

"Tomorrow we will be camping up that hill" Tiffany announced as she pointed towards the east everyone was very excited bonfires and scary stories they thought it would be a trip to remember. After lunch they sat by the pool swimming and snacked around till the sun set as it cooled down they decided  to watch a movie from the huge LED screen on the common room.

"It's like we are in our very own movie hall" Aria said as they all started to laugh.

"More pop corn please Albert" Lucy called the butler.

"Excuse me mistresses but dinner is almost done" Albert said politely.

"Let's go then I'm starving" Emily got up from the recliner. Emily loved to eat a lot, she was a total foodie. Food is life she always said.

As they took their places in the dining table Ellie said grace and they all began to hog. There were pastas to sausages and Emily's favorite bacon, while Tiffany had soup and salad for dinner.

"Why such light meal?"Asked Aria.

"I'm so full tonight" Tiffany smiled, after their dinner they had ice cream for desserts there was only vanilla flavor left but everyone of them liked vanilla "I'm sorry we only have this flavor because it's my moms favourite" Tiffany smirked. It was almost 11pm when they headed out for their rooms after hugging and kissing each other goodnight.

"Can't wait for the adventure tomorrow" Emily said as she sunk into her pillow.

"Me too, it would be an adventure to remember" smiled Ellie as they both went into deep slumber.

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