A night at Bree

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As they entered the inn they felt warmer, it was packed and everyone seem to be having a merry good time they didn't seem to notice the two ladies there "Well let's sit here" Gandalf said as the three sat down on a table near the fire place.

"Warm yourself up while I order your meals" Gandalf smiled. Emily was hungry but she felt uncomfortable in that place as for Ellie she was terrified but kept herself calm. As the food was served the ladies dug in when it was Warm.

"Not that bad, I kinda like it" Emily said smiling.

"I'm glad you liked it my lady" Gandalf smiled.

"So when are we going home?" Ellie asked.

"That I doubt" Gandalf replied.

"What?" Emily got pissed.

"Calm down" Gandalf murmured.

"I'm sorry but I'm tired and weary and wish to go home" Emily exhaled.

"You don't know where you are and what you say" Gandalf said.

"Let's end this game right here" Ellie said about to burst out in tears, Gandalf stared at them for a while and said "you both have opened a portal to our world from your world and now you are here I'd say welcome"

"What?" Yelled Emily.

"This is not funny anymore" Ellie yelled back.

"Keep your voices down you don't want much attention" said Gandalf. He explained to them about a prophecy long ago where a mortal would visit their world and from there the doors to ancient treasures of men, dwarves and elves would be found.

Emily looked right into the eyes of Gandalf he was not joking he was very serious. 'Oh my god' she thought this is not a prank but how can this be. On the other hand Ellie remembered her grandfather tales of how he told his grand kids of other worlds and how their forefathers travel to other dimensions and would come back. Ellie considered those stories as legends and old folk takes but they were not, the two best friends were really freaked out now trying to hold their breaths and calming down Emily asked "but how did we end up here? And why us?"

"I can't tell you much but you ended up here because of the ring" said Gandalf as he pointed at the ring that Emily wore around her neck like a pendant.

"You know about the ring? How can we go back?" asked Emily in horror.

"I know about the ring but I can't help you to go back for this you both must journey to Mirkwood the elvish kingdom" said Gandalf.

"Elvish kingdom?" Emily asked this was not making any sense to her.

"The elf King Thranduil would know because the ring you hold belongs to the elves" said Gandalf.

"Who are the elves?" Asked Ellie.

"They are people like us but they are very wise and immortal" said Gandalf. 'Immortal' this must be a big joke thought Emily.

"So, let's go now to the elves" Emily got up.

"The path is not safe and it's almost night we must move in day light" Gandalf looked at her.

"Not safe what do you mean by that? We can take a car. I can drive" replied Emily.

"What you say I don't know" laughed Gandalf. They don't know what cars are Emily thought this is a super ancient world.

"Will move by day light but I can't go with you" said Gandalf "Why? we would get lost" Ellie was freaked out "Don't worry, I know a company of five dwarves heading towards that direction tomorrow...you are in luck" replied Gandalf.

"Why can't you come with us?" Emily asked in despair "Because I've to travel to the shire and it's urgent but I can assure you, the dwarves would be a good company to you but remember elves and dwarves don't get along" said Gandalf.

"Okay, so we are in middle of a war?" Emily asked.

"No, you aren't have faith and everything would be okay" replied Gandalf. Emily thought what are dwarves and what are elves are they some other race of people she was in confusion this must be a very bad dream as for Ellie was trying her best to recall her grandfather's tales but couldn't she regretted for not listening to him properly.

The inn keeper took the two ladies to their room. "Now I can take a bath" Emily said as she stretched her arms and headed towards the bathroom.

"Take care you both" Gandalf said closing the door behind. As Emily came out from the bathroom, Ellie got in. Emily then remembered her back pack and took out her phone she looked down no service as usual and how can this world have service she switched it off, saving the battery would be good she thought as she didn't have a charger and that world didn't have electricity. She then opened a pouch and looked at the gun she had, she took it from her dad's office just in case she would need it and now she need it the most.

As Ellie got out they both got on their beds. "Everyone would be looking for us" Ellie said.

"I hope Travis pays more attention to me after I return" Emily joked. She loved adventure and always wished to go on one but this adventure was not what she planned for.

"Goodnight" Ellie said as she covered her head with the blanket. Emily looked out of the window and saw the moon and the silent street she wondered this might be a dream and the next morning everything would be okay and sunk into her pillow.

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