Last day in lake town

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A week passed by and Emily was restless and confused. Restless because it was taking her forever to reach her own world and confused because she didn't know how to say goodbye to the friends she made in this world and most of all Legolas, she didn't know how he will react and she didn't even know how she really felt about him. They have a chemistry she couldn't explain but she always denied it because the only love she knew so far was Travis. She remembered how she and Travis did everything together and how half of her life memories are connected with him. He was her first love, her first relation, her first everything and even for Travis Emily was his first. She recalled how they planned their future to travel the world together, to have two kids and to grow old together. They were the perfect couple in Rose wood, after Emily gets into the world of fashion they planned to get married. As Emily wished to become a well known designer and right after her graduation she had been taking courses and was trying her best to design some dresses until she ended up in this world.

Her mind was with Travis but her heart was not agreeing with it there was a soft corner for Legolas in her heart and as the days passed by her feelings were growing stronger, when Legolas goes out to hunt for orcs she worries about him until he returns. Ellie was noticing the changes in her best friend "Emily please tell me what's wrong?" Ellie questioned as she walked towards Emily who was busy cracking walnuts "Nothing" Emily exhaled totally ignoring Ellie's question.

"I know something is bugging you, you are not yourself anymore" Ellie said. Emily was silent she didn't even say a word and stopped cracking the walnuts. Anna was sweeping the floor when she said "I'll leave you two ladies for a while, talk to your hearts content".

As Anna left Emily and Ellie alone, Ellie questioned Emily again "are you worried about home?"

"I'm just confused el, about everything" Emily replied finally as she shove some walnuts down her throat like she was hungry as hell.

"Don't worry we would find our way back home" Ellie said grabbing Emily's arm reassuring her everything was okay.

"Then what? what about this world?" Emily asked.

"I don't know, I wish there was another way" Ellie replied slowly.

"I wish I never found the ring, I wish we never came here" Emily said sadly.

"It's Legolas isn't it?" Ellie questioned.

"Maybe" Emily replied with her head low.

"If you love him just admit it, he loves you and everyone knows that" Ellie said.

"It's not that easy el, you know we have to go back home and what about Travis" Emily looked at Ellie as an unreadable expression passed her face.

"After you came here I noticed that you were way happier here, than back there" Ellie said.

"I'm not even sure of what I feel anymore" Emily said putting her hands on her head.

"I know how you feel Em, I'm feeling the same way I think I'm in love with Roland. I've never felt this way before for anyone and I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye to him I wish this was our home. I wish we never have to leave I don't know how I'd survive without him" Ellie said as tears filled up her eyes.

Emily looked at her lovingly and said "I'm sorry el, I know how much he means to you but we can't stay here for long our time has come and think about home, think about our family how worried would they be. I'm sure mom and dad had not slept for days" Emily said sadly.

"Yes, I feel for them too but if we could ever come back again once more after we leave promise me we would come back even for an hour" Ellie pleaded.

"Yes, we would" Emily said hugging her.

That night everyone had dinner in silence as the ladies were leaving for the mountains the next day and the elves after the Orc attack they were very busy patrolling daily. Emily and Ellie saw Legolas and Roland only once that week. After dinner Bard was busy packing the supplies for the ladies and the elves for their journey to the mountains "I too wish to join you my lady but I am a father and my responsibility lies with my kids here but you have the elves and the dwarves to protect you, so I know you would be safe" Bard said smiling.

"You did so much for us already Bard, and we would be forever grateful" Emily smiled.

"I thank you instead my lady, 100 gold coins I could have never earned in my entire life if not for you, not only that but you have brought happiness in our lives once again and if you ever return please come to visit us, our door is always be open for you and your friends" Bard smiled. Emily and Ellie hugged him with tears in their eyes, he hugged them tightly and the three kids hugged them too.

The next morning Anna made breakfast and the 5 dwarves joined them as well. The three kids were busy packing lunch for the elves, the dwarves and the ladies "The elves didn't even come for breakfast they must be in the borders but by lunch time you guys will reach them, you all can have lunch together" Anna smiled as she arranged the tiffins.

"And the extra fooding, I'll keep in joe's bag" mike said. As they all got ready and about to leave the town was flooded with people, they saw Emily for the very first time in person and tried their best to shake her hand and give her gifts but only some few could reach her as she was surrounded by the town guards as the whole town came to bid them farewell. They all got into the boat when the town master came and gave a speech after that they left sailing with the dwarves tears filled the eyes of the three children's who waved at them. Emily and Ellie's were in tears as they said goodbye to their lake town family even Bard couldn't hold back his tears. Ellie and Emily became like his own daughters and seeing them leave broke his heart he wished one day they would come back.

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