The Buzz

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That day every nook and corner of lake town was buzzing with the news of the elf Prince Legolas in town, this was the first time ever that the elves of Mirkwood have visited lake town "the elf Prince have come to lake town" squeaked a woman in excitement "I heard he came for his lady love" a lady murmured.
"I heard it's the mortal from the prophecy" an old man said.

Lake town was a very small town in the middle of a lake, the people in this town were simple folks and made most of their life by fishing and trading but they were poor since the master of the town take away all their profits, he was the only rich man in the entire town but was greedy, selfish and boastful but his deputy Alfred was more greedy, selfish and boastful then the master "Alfred I heard that King thandruil's son have come to lake town is it true?" Questioned the master getting out of his bed.

"Yes, I've heard of it as well master" replied Alfred.

"We have to invite him for a feast then, it will be good for us if we make him feel at home while he's here" the master smirked.

"Yes, we should indeed master" Alfred rubbed his hands. The master of lake town wants to be on the good side of the elves as his riches comes from trade with the woodland realm and now as the prince is here he found it an golden opportunity to extent his friendship. In the meantime Bard's family was the talk of the town as he was the host of the elves and the ladies, everyone had flooded outside his house to get a glimpse of the prince and the lady. "Make way" Bard growled as he and his three kids walked towards their house.

"What are all these people doing outside our house da?" Luna asked.

"Maybe they got the news about the lady and the prince" Bard replied. The three kids were loving the attention of the people in the town, for the first time in their life they felt important and popular.

As Bard walked in "What's that noise?" Questioned Emily standing near the fireplace wearing an apron holding a big spoon.

"It's the people who came to see you my lady" Bard replied "See me" chuckled Emily as she got busy pinching salt into the pot.

"Yes, see and the prince are the talk of the town" Anna said excitingly.

"Are you making us supper?" Mike asked.

"I'm making soup, sitting idle for days had bored me'" Emily giggled.

"Soup! I love soup" Luna squeaked.

"I'm the worst cook, I swear" Emily murmured.

"What soup is it?" Anna asked.

"Sweet corn and mushroom I got it from your kitchen supply" Emily replied.

"Can't wait for soup" Bard said as he put the huge grocery supply on the table as the kids began to open their packages sitting on the floor.

"Well heavy shopping, I see" Emily smirked.

"After all the prince gave us hundred gold coins for taking care of you" Bard replied.

"What?" Emily questioned in confusion.

"My lady the prince payed us hundred gold coins only because we kept you as our guest" Bard smiled. Emily didn't say a word and began to dig into the kitchen supplies, since she didn't know what to say to Bard as she has no idea about it.

"Well...I'll need bread and butter and cheese" she said as she picked up the groceries.

"Kids put your things down and help our lady with the cooking" Bard commanded.

"I'm going out to get more firewood but where's your friend and the chief?" Bard asked.

"They went for a little sight seeing together" Emily chuckled "And the prince too?" Anna questioned.

"He went for patrolling" Emily replied. As Bard left the kids began to pour out the stories they heard on lake town and how much attention they got, they were very happy. Emily never had siblings of her own and she grew very fond of them "My lady, we have something for you" Luna said as she went and checked the packages they bought from the store.

"Do you like it?" She questioned as she put the bracelet around Emily's wrist.

"It's beautiful" she replied as she hugged them.

"It's made of silver" mike replied.

"We can't afford such gifts but as the prince payed us from there we were able to afford it for you, so that you would remember us" Anna said smiling.

"The hospitality your family gave me and my friends are more than I could ever ask for" Emily replied with tears in her eyes.

"Why do you cry my lady?" Luna asked.

"They are tears of joy you idiot" mike gave a light punch on his sister's shoulder as Luna got annoyed and began to chase him around.

Anna then questioned Emily "It's not in my place to ask this my lady, but don't you love the prince?"

"I don't know" Emily held her head low as silence filled the room, the door swung open and an odd looking man in black entered with two guards.

"Hello! there you must be the lady the town is buzzing about?" He questioned as he stretched his hand forward to shake Emily's hand "Oh! by the way I am Alfred the master's deputy" he smiled as he bowed his head in respect.

Emily shook his hands and replied "I'm Emily and this is Anna".

"Yes, I know who she is Bard's daughter of course" Alfred smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Questioned Anna she didn't like the vibe of Alfred.

"I'm here to invite my lady and the prince for a feast in my masters house tonight" he bowed his head again as he welcomed them.

"I'm sorry but I've to reject this offer" Emily replied.

"But the master expects you to be there" Alfred said slowly trying his best to sound as convincing as possible, he had only this chance to conceive her so.

"She said no! Alfred you can leave now" Anna replied annoyingly. Alfred left disappointed without saying a word, he felt insulted by the way Anna talked to him but he didn't say a word because Emily was present and he wanted to be on her good side.

"What a weird man" Emily laughed as soon as he left, she wasn't expecting any invitation.

"He as well as the master are very weird" Anna laughed and then she said "I hate them both".

"Are they out of their minds? A feast like I'd even attend" Emily shook her head in laughter.

"told you everyone in lake town is after you and the prince" Anna smirked, as they were conversing on the back of her mind Emily was wondering where Legolas had gone.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now