The secret

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The dwarves were swimming upon the treasure, the armed elves stood behind Legolas since they can't show their excitement even if they were excited. Ellie picked up a couple of gold coins and showed it to Roland feeling astonished, Gandalf and Legolas were observing the treasure, Emily picked up some precious stones and examined them "rubies, gems and all the stones I could name and more" she said merrily "Something, don't feel right here" Gandalf finally said looking at Legolas.

"I feel the same" Legolas suspense grew at that very moment the gate closed and they were all locked inside the treasure hall, the elves tried to push the door but in vain.

"A spell lies in it" Gandalf mumbled.

"What, I feared" Legolas gasped.

"What happened?" Emily asked as she walked towards them. The others were not paying any attention as they were lost in the treasure.

"There is something in this mountain my lady, something which was observing us from the time we came in" Gandalf replied.

"Legolas, I'm scared" Emily said holding his arms.

"Don't be, I won't let anything happen to you" Legolas smiled as he kissed her head.

As the elves tried to find a way out with the help of Gandalf. Emily and Legolas sat on the stairs they were looking at the dwarves who were very busy with the treasure and Ellie was decorating herself with jewels while Roland observed and laughed "all these treasures and it can't still have the thing which I longed the most" Legolas gasped.

"I feel the same" Emily said under her breath.

"What's the thing you want the most?" Legolas questioned "you tell me first" she chuckled.

"Well you know it clearly, it's you my lady" Legolas smirked "I don't belief you" Emily giggled "I totally forgot.....we came here to look for the magical stone" Emily stood up suddenly.

"Yes! let's look for it" Ellie said turning her head right and left.

"Master Dwarves, look for the magical stone" Roland ordered as they started to search for it.

"I didn't find any way out" Gandalf exhaled finally walking up to Legolas.

"Let's first search for the magical stone" Legolas said searching for it.

"Yes, let's look for that first" Gandalf mumbled as everyone searched for it. They searched and searched but couldn't find it they were weary and tired as the treasure seem to have no end.

"Let's all rest and search for it tomorrow" Gandalf commanded as they all stopped for dinner after dinner they all slept off exhausted. Emily woke up hearing a strange sound, something or someone was talking she didn't know what and who it was she looked around everyone was asleep. She could see a beam of light coming down from the top of the treasure hall, she walked up alone following the sound of the voices she heard as she reached the top she saw a blue beam of light caught up in a mist it was glowing.

"I can't understand what you say" she said but the mist kept on speaking she didn't know what to do then she remembered and wore the ring at a wink the mist disappeared and a lady appeared Emily was freaked out she nearly screamed but the lady looked kind and she was beautiful wearing a blue dress with white flower prints, she wore a tiara made of white gold "Who are you?" She asked in suspense.

"I am the elf queen my lady, the one whose ring you carry" she replied in a soothing voice "I'm glad the ring belongs to you now as I see what a genuine mortal you are" she smiled warmly.

"Are you for real? Or is this a dream?" Emily asked in confusion not knowing what was happening.

"You are not dreaming it's me for real, my spirit lingered in these mountain even after death" she gasped, Emily was speechless "I know you came here looking for the magical stone and your friends came for the treasure, you will find what you seek but the treasure have its own equal share among men, dwarves and elves and if they don't keep their word and try to take the treasure of the other kin it would be lost forever" she said gently then she looked at Emily gently "You should tell Gandalf what I told you, he's an intelligent wizard he would know what to do and the magical stone you will find it in the heart of the treasure" she smiled lovingly.

"I can't thank you enough" Emily cried happily.

"As the prophecy is fulfilled now I can go in peace but I'd be there whenever you need me and the ring would protect you, it have powers you don't even know by time you would discover keep it safe" she disappeared as she completed her sentence.

Emily woke up with a shock "Legolas" she called. Legolas woke up at once and came forth "my lady what happened?"

"I saw her, I saw the queen" Emily said breathlessly.

"What did she say?" Gandalf asked. Emily explained everything and the crew began to look for the magical stone they looked for hours and by mid-day they found it.

"It's here" Gandalf yelled in joy as he hold it up, it glowed and looked like a thousand stars it was of purple and glittered.

"It's a beauty" Emily gasped looking at it "Can I keep it?" Ellie said looking at the beautiful stone.

"This is no collectible, this is a magical stone and it only belongs to the lady with the ring" Gandalf said as he gave Emily the stone. She was lost of words the stars were moving inside "When night comes you can open the portal back to your world" Gandalf smiled "And as the lady told us the treasure should be divided into three equal parts among elves, men and dwarves we shall honour her" Gandalf said.

"The quest is completed" Tim and the others hurrayed with joy.

Emily and Ellie knew their time have come they were heartbroken even Roland and Legolas felt the same as the time approached. Ellie and Roland spend their final moment together digging in and around the treasure looking for stuffs which they found interesting. As for Emily and Legolas they talked about their first meeting and how they really felt about each other from the start till date. Emily removed her gold chain which she wore around her neck the same one on which she kept the ring on "I want you to keep it Legolas as a token to remember me" she said with tears in her eyes. As she put the ring inside her pocket "when I reach my own world I'd make another one from the same store, so that we would have the same chains" she smiled. As Emily handed the chain to Legolas he was out speechless & was touched beyond measure.

The Ring of Love (Legolas fanfic)  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now